deric / puppet-accounts

Simple hierachical management of Linux user accounts, groups and SSH keys
Apache License 2.0
34 stars 32 forks source link

Group with the same name as user is Always created. #77

Open ruriky opened 7 years ago

ruriky commented 7 years ago

By default each user has a group with the same name. You can change this with manage_group parameter:

If I set manage_group = false, a group with the same name as the user is always created. I haven't been able to prevent that with any set of configuration. For example, in my test case, where I want to create a new group with name mygroup which has the same gid as the user's uid. It fails with the error below:

    ensure: 'present'
    home: "/home/testuser"
    shell: "/bin/bash"
    uid: 1141
    gid: 1141
    primary_group: 'mygroup'
    manage_group: true
Error: Could not create group mygroup: Execution of '/sbin/groupadd -g 1141 mygroup' returned 4: groupadd: GID '1141' already exists
Error: /Stage[main]/Accounts/Accounts::Group[mygroup]/Group[mygroup]/ensure: change from absent to present failed: Could not create group mygroup: Execution of '/sbin/groupadd -g 1141 mygroup' returned 4: groupadd: GID '1141' already exists

Greping /etc/group shows that there is a new group with same as the user and gid is set to users uid (this is the default behavior of puppets 'user' function when no gid is provided - am I correct ?)

$ grep 1141 /etc/group

I get the same error if I move the creation of mygroup under accounts::groups.

Puppet version is 3.8.6 and OS is RHEL7.

deric commented 7 years ago

@ruriky Have you installed deric-gpasswd module which is listed in dependencies?

d-helios commented 7 years ago

Have the same issude

here is my hiera:

    gid: 31461
    gid: 31462
    gid: 31463
    gid: 31464
    gid: 31465
    gid: 31466
    gid: 31467
    gid: 31468
    gid: 31460
    uid: 31470
    primary_group: 'oinstall'
    manage_group: false
    comment: "oracle_user"
      - dba
      - asmdba
      - asmoper
      - asmadmin
      - backupdba
      - dgdba
      - kmdba
    uid: 31471
    primary_group: 'oinstall'
    manage_group: false
    comment: "grid_user"
      - dba
      - asmdba
      - asmoper
      - asmadmin

result: [root@srv5-romatsa ~]# puppet agent -t |grep Accounts Notice: /Stage[main]/Accounts/Accounts::User[oracle]/User[oracle]/ensure: created Notice: /Stage[main]/Accounts/Accounts::User[grid]/User[grid]/ensure: created Notice: /Stage[main]/Accounts/Accounts::Group[dba]/Group[dba]/members: members changed '' to 'grid,oracle' Notice: /Stage[main]/Accounts/Accounts::Group[asmdba]/Group[asmdba]/ensure: created Notice: /Stage[main]/Accounts/Accounts::Group[asmoper]/Group[asmoper]/ensure: created Notice: /Stage[main]/Accounts/Accounts::Group[asmadmin]/Group[asmadmin]/ensure: created Notice: /Stage[main]/Accounts/Accounts::Group[oper]/Group[oper]/ensure: created Notice: /Stage[main]/Accounts/Accounts::Group[backupdba]/Group[backupdba]/ensure: created Notice: /Stage[main]/Accounts/Accounts::Group[dgdba]/Group[dgdba]/ensure: created Notice: /Stage[main]/Accounts/Accounts::Group[kmdba]/Group[kmdba]/ensure: created

[root@srv5-romatsa ~]# id -a oracle
uid=31470(oracle) gid=31470(oracle) groups=31470(oracle),31461(dba),31462(asmdba),31463(asmoper),31464(asmadmin),31466(backupdba),31467(dgdba),31468(kmdba)
[root@srv5-romatsa ~]# id -a grid
uid=31471(grid) gid=31471(grid) groups=31471(grid),31461(dba),31462(asmdba),31463(asmoper),31464(asmadmin)

My PUppetfile

mod 'puppetlabs-stdlib', '4.15.0'
mod 'puppetlabs-ntp', '6.0.0'
mod 'puppetlabs-concat', '2.2.0'
mod 'puppetlabs-firewall', '1.8.2'
mod 'puppetlabs-motd', '1.4.0'
mod 'puppetlabs-inifile', '1.6.0'
mod 'puppetlabs-reboot', '1.2.1'
mod 'puppetlabs-acl', '1.1.2'
mod 'puppetlabs-lvm', '0.9.0'
mod 'puppetlabs-git', '0.5.0'
mod 'puppet-autofs', '2.1.1'
#mod 'puppetlabs-limits', '0.1.0'
mod 'arnoudj/sudo', '1.3.0'
mod 'kemra102/auditd', '2.2.0'
mod 'saz-rsyslog', '5.0.0'
mod 'saz-resolv_conf', '3.1.0'
mod 'thias-sysctl', '1.0.6'
mod 'herculesteam-augeasproviders_core', '2.1.3'
mod 'deric-accounts', '1.5.2'
mod 'deric-gpasswd', '0.3.2'
mod 'ceritsc-yum', '0.9.8'
mod 'jake-resource_tree', '1.0.1'
mod 'gbrown-yumrepos', '0.0.3'
mod 'walkamongus-realmd', '0.1.3'
mod 'puppet-autofs', '2.1.1'
mod 'thias-tuned', '1.0.3'
mod 'tracywebtech-pip', '1.3.4'
mod 'puppetlabs-postgresql', '4.9.0'
mod 'erwbgy-limits', '0.3.1'
mod 'herculesteam-augeasproviders_grub', '2.4.0'
mod 'biemond-oradb', '3.0.4'
guk2017 commented 7 years ago

I'm having the same issue here too, on 1.5.2... It seems as though primary_group is ignored - though it does seems to manage .ssh directory permissions correctly, effectively doing a chgrp $primary_group.

I have deric-gpasswd (0.3.2) installed.

westbywest commented 7 years ago

My setup under CentOS 6.9:

puppet agent v4.8.1
puppetserver v2.4.0 (running on another machine)
deric-gpasswd v0.3.2 (on the puppetserver)
deric-accounts v1.5.3 (16 Jan 2017 commit, on the puppetserver)

I also seem to be seeing the primary_group parameter ignored, despite setting default provider gpasswd for the group resource. Puppet agent debug shows useradd being called without any reference to the group named as primary_group. I.e. no -g option used.

scottjl commented 7 years ago

Same issue here with 7.x. This module is pretty much useless to me if I can't keep it from creating all these unwanted groups. deric-gpasswd is loaded.

deric commented 7 years ago

@ruriky Sorry for late reply. From Puppet's documentation:

gid: The user’s primary group. Can be specified numerically or by name.

It doesn't make much sense to set uid != primary_group. Currently what the module does is following:

/usr/sbin/useradd -d /home/testuser -s /bin/bash -u 1141 -m testuser
/usr/sbin/groupadd -g 1141 mygroup

The problem is in the first command. E.g. on Debian useradd creates by default group with the same name as username unless -N/--no-user-group is specified (not sure if other distributions behave the same). Probably creating an account without any primary group would solve that, as we assign the primary group later.

scottjl commented 7 years ago

I know it doesn't make sense, and that it's bad practice these days, but many years ago it wasn't common practice to set up a group for just one user. Unfortunately where I work at still has this legacy practice and all users are assigned into a common user group (users, consultants, security, etc.) as their primary group to share specific resources.

With CentOS 6 and OEL 6 at my location I can get the module to do this as I expect. But with CentOS & OEL 7 I can't. It insists on setting the primary group to the UID group even when specified otherwise.

And thanks, better late than never!

deric commented 7 years ago

Yeah, I understand your motivation. It sounds rather easy, but it's actually quite hard to implement. The module currently creates user accounts first, then groups and assigns users into groups. The only exception are primary groups which are created with accounts. An easy fix would be to create groups first. But then you'd have to remove all members of a group each puppet run if you want apply inclusive membership (only explicitly stated users are members of the group)

scottjl commented 7 years ago

Well I'm kind of confused why this works with 6 but not 7, but I don't understand the coding of the module, still too green with Puppet. I was able to get this working with Puppet's user module though it's lacking some of the features of yours. You might want to make note somewhere of this behavior so someone else doesn't spend the hours I did trying to figure out what was going wrong.

deric commented 7 years ago

I've managed to write a hacky way how to bypass commands executed by Puppet's providers. I'm not sure if this is the best way how to tackle this issue. But so far it's the only working solution. Following configuration works (with branch 1.6):

    gid: 1141
    ensure: 'present'
    home: "/home/testuser"
    shell: "/bin/bash"
    uid: 1141
    primary_group: 'mygroup'
    manage_group: true

The only exception are primary groups which are created with accounts.

This is not true anymore, User doesn't create groups anymore. It might bring many problems, that's why I try to keep this in an experimental branch. Any help with testing is welcomed!

The user & groups management in Puppet is not ideal, there's a huge epic for refactoring targeting Puppet 5. Hopefully this module won't be needed in future versions.

Btw. automated tests might be incomplete, but seems to pass on CentOS 7.