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Github account reconfigure for SSH and YubiKey #2

Open deric4 opened 1 year ago

deric4 commented 1 year ago

GitHub keeps bugging me to do something with my 2FA by next month even though I have TOTP set up via 1Password... not sure what thats about

Since I don't have any keys associated with my account and been doing everything in the browser or codespaces (see #1 ), lets go ahead and see how painful it is to setup:

Its stupid, but not seeing verified commits in browser bugs the shit out of me.

Having git log not complain about the signed commits via ssh might be tough... i dunno.

Last time I checked<user>.keys doesn't return the public key for your signing key.... keyyyyyyyyyy

Doing all this with a YubiKey just cuz i feel like doin it on x-Games mode.

This is gonna hurt....

deric4 commented 1 year ago

Last time I checked<user>.keys doesn't return the public key for your signing key.... keyyyyyyyyyy

Turns out<user>/ssh_signing_keys allows unauth reqs and returns:

    "id": 4824,
    "key": "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAINgSkZH+gOrwgVpHODgi+qgnDVviHrGY1Pg4Cf4j8i0A",
    "title": "test",
    "created_at": "2022-09-01T18:36:53.357Z"