derikon / VCVRack

shell installation script for VCV Rack
MIT License
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Build Bridge #1

Open derikon opened 5 years ago

derikon commented 5 years ago


from Rack manual:

Rack is a standalone DAW-like application and not a VST/AU plugin because of the major limitations of these formats. It is common to think of physical modular synthesizers as entire self-contained DAWs, so many people use Rack as a complete DAW to compose music and build patches without other software. However, VCV Bridge allows audio, MIDI, DAW transport, and DAW clocks to be transferred between Rack and your DAW through the included VST/AU instrument/effect Bridge plugins. The setup order between Rack and your DAW does not matter.

Build and Installation Instructions

from Bridge repository:

Clone this repository in the root directory of the Rack repository. Or, clone this repository anywhere and set the RACK_DIR environment variable. For the VST plugin, obtain an old copy of VST2_SDK/ which contains the pluginterfaces/ directory, and place it in the vst/ directory. For the AU plugin, obtain AudioUnitExamplesAudioUnitEffectGeneratorInstrumentMIDIProcessorandOffline/ from Apple's Core Audio SDK, and place it in the au/ directory. Run make dist in each desired directory. The plugins are placed in dist/.

from Rack manual:

If you wish to use VCV Bridge, copy VCV-Bridge.vst to the VST folder and/or the VCV-Bridge.component Audio Unit to the Components folder.


Bridge has to be build as AU and VST to use the dist target from Rack's Makefile!

from Rack Makefile:

    cp -R Bridge/AU/dist/VCV-Bridge.component dist/
    cp -R Bridge/VST/dist/VCV-Bridge.vst dist/
    cp -R Bridge/VST/dist/VCV-Bridge-fx.vst dist/

AudioUnitExamplesAudioUnitEffectGeneratorInstrumentMIDIProcessorandOffline/ can cloned from []()

derikon commented 5 years ago

AU Component

included Bridge AU component with commit 1ce41977fba4ad5c33492ac4bea8a983ef6ed385