derkyjadex / M8WebDisplay

Display for headless M8 tracker
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Is there a way to disconnect from one headless M8 and connect to another? #10

Open znmeb opened 2 years ago

znmeb commented 2 years ago

I have multiple M8 headless units and one real M8. Is there an easy way to connect and disconnect to different units? They're all using different COM ports on Windows.

derkyjadex commented 2 years ago

Right now the code will always pick whichever device appears first in the list it can see. I think an obvious improvement would be to disable the auto-connect when multiple devices are available. Then clicking on the Connect button would show you the list so you could pick a specific device from the browser menu. A "Reconnect" button in the menu would probably be useful here too, or you could just refresh the page and click the Connect button again.

The only issue I can see is with the audio device connection, and I'm curious how you are currently dealing with this. This also just connects to the first device it can see. There's no way to link the audio and serial devices (at least, not from a web app), and even with a separate picker I don't think it would be clear which one matched the serial device you picked.

znmeb commented 2 years ago

Ah, OK - they're all on a USB hub with on-off buttons and I've been using the buttons to select them.