dermesser / libsocket

The ultimate socket library for C and C++, supporting TCP, UDP and Unix sockets (DGRAM and STREAM) on Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris. See also my uvco library for a refreshed version!
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Revamp selectset by using poll() under the hood instead of select() #49

Closed dsorber closed 7 years ago

dsorber commented 7 years ago

I ran into issues when using libsocket++ in an application that happened to have a large number of file descriptors open. I figured out that the issue was caused by the known limitation of select() and FD_SETSIZE (see "BUGS" section:

This eliminates problems with select() if the socket's file descriptor is greater than FD_SETSIZE (which is 1024 most of the time). The interface to selectset remains exactly the same so nothing should break.

This modification works very well in my testing so I figured that it may be useful to others as well.

dsorber commented 7 years ago

I made the requested changes and ran the tests (examples++/ with no issues.

dermesser commented 7 years ago

Thank you for your contribution!