dermotduffy / frigate-hass-card

A Lovelace card for Frigate in Home Assistant
MIT License
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Support go2rtc proxied through HA so that I don't need to open go2rtc to the world #1299

Open felipecrs opened 9 months ago

felipecrs commented 9 months ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. This is a continuation of I am just opening this issue for tracking and upvoting purposes, and so we can keep the discussion around supporting this centralized.

Another benefit of this feature is to reduce the entry barrier. Setting up TLS, NGINX proxies, domains and everything is a painful process for newcomers.

Describe the solution you'd like @dermotduffy described it here.

Describe alternatives you've considered There are three alternatives:

  1. Use Frigate
  2. Expose go2rtc to the world (
  3. Use WebRTC card instead

Additional context N/A

felipecrs commented 9 months ago

I would like to present a second idea though:

What if we could leverage the existing Hassio Ingress for add-ons for this purpose? I know it is currently not possible for frontend cards to communicate with add-ons through the Hassio Ingress, but in my understanding this is not for technical limitations but instead due to do missing support/implementation from Home Assistant/Supervisor side.

Maybe we could identify such gaps and invest our time there instead. Many people would benefit from that, as I see several people tinkering with that in the forums (like trying to integrate Grafana iframes directly in lovelace).

felipecrs commented 1 month ago

@dermotduffy, you once suggested creating a Home Assistant integration for general-purpose proxying. I think this would be a really good idea at this point. By any chance are you considering creating such integration yourself?

dermotduffy commented 1 month ago

@dermotduffy, you once suggested creating a Home Assistant integration for general-purpose proxying. I think this would be a really good idea at this point. By any chance are you considering creating such integration yourself?

Hi @felipecrs . Yes, I still think this is a good idea as described in this comment. If such a library existed, I'd immediately move the Frigate integration over to use it, and then a small wrapper integration could be added to HACS to allow arbitrary proxies to be setup.

Do I see myself finding the time to actually do that anytime soon, not really :-( I want to get the next card release out, and even then I'm losing the battle with the feature requests, and in practice that library/integration won't actually unlock many new capabilities for most users, it's kind of a technical hygiene/reusability thing...

If someone else wanted to build such a thing, I'd be all for it. Otherwise, maybe I'd get to it eventually!

felipecrs commented 1 month ago

That's fair. Thank you for the clarification and honesty.

Personally, I already use Frigate for object detection and recording, so I get the feature for free through the Frigate integration.

However, for people with lower end PCs or even people running HA in a small board like Raspberry Pi, running Frigate just for go2rtc is overkill and a bit unfeasible, so I understand the need.

Who knows, maybe someday I'll jump into coding this integration too.

dermotduffy commented 1 month ago

Who knows, maybe someday I'll jump into coding this integration too.

I was hoping you might say that ;-) If you do, lets chat.