dermotduffy / frigate-hass-card

A Lovelace card for Frigate in Home Assistant
MIT License
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Support Frigate Native PTZ control #1379

Closed itispip closed 3 months ago

itispip commented 3 months ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. Request feature to support Frigate native PTZ control

Describe the solution you'd like Now Frigate 0.13 has natively support PTZ, however frigate-card-ptz can only call a HomeAssist service to get the control. Is that possible to directly leverage frigate native feature

Describe alternatives you've considered no

Additional context Frigate 0.13 UI auto display the PTZ pannel which include Pan/Tilt, Zoom control and Preset list. Ideally frigate-card-ptz can leverage them.

dermotduffy commented 3 months ago

This is already implemented, but not yet released. Will be in the next release.

AdamPflug commented 1 month ago

Is there something major holding back the new release? It'd be cool to have access to this feature if it's already implemented...

dermotduffy commented 1 month ago

Hi @AdamPflug, release will be when this backlog is complete. In the meantime, you can always build your own or use github artifacts as shown in this video: