Open clsferguson opened 20 hours ago
I only get about 1fps
I am guessing the WebRTC stream just isn't loading at all (for whatever reason), instead the card is trying to show you something and it's just showing you a HomeAssistant snapshot every second. You could verify this with:
show_image_during_load: false
... and the Frigate card will make no attempt to "cover up" if the stream doesn't load. You'd just get empty video players. Then you need to figure out why that's not loading. I'd start here and make sure you have followed all of these steps. Your Javascript console (F12 in your browser) may also show something useful. Good luck.
[REQUIRED] Card diagnostic information:
[REQUIRED] Description of problem: webrtc doesn't work well. I have no way to test webrtc in frigate ui I don't think.
I am using opnsense as my firewall. Hass-os for home assistant, frigate integration, frigate-card. Frigate is installed in a docker container on a different machine, using frigate 0.15.0 beta 2 now.
frigate config contains
locally, and through cloudflare tunnel, the behavior is the same. if I leave the go2rtc mode as "- mse" the frame rate is full frames. But if I only use "- webrtc" I only get about 1fps.
streaming through nabu casa is very limited using mse, but won't play at all using webrtc
similar to this #1671
I tried looking for help in too.
[OPTIONAL] Last working release (if known):
[OPTIONAL] Javascript errors shown in the web inspector:
[OPTIONAL] Additional information: