dermotduffy / frigate-hass-card

A Lovelace card for Frigate in Home Assistant
MIT License
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Add multiple camera support #249

Closed dermotduffy closed 2 years ago

dermotduffy commented 2 years ago

Add support for multiple cameras:

Significant configuration changes required. Automated upgrade is available for visual editor users, for YAML users manual update is required using the following transition guide:

Before (Shows all impacted values) After (Only include values as needed)
```yaml camera_entity: frigate: camera_name: office_door client_id: frigate-server-2 label: person url: http://my-frigate-server/ zone: office_door live: provide: webrtc webrtc: entity: camera.office_rtsp url: 'rtsp://USERNAME:PASSWORD@CAMERA:554/RTSP_PATH' any_other_webrtc_option: value ``` ```yaml cameras: - camera_entity: camera_name: office_door client_id: frigate-server-2 label: person frigate_url: http://my-frigate-server/ # Note: Key name change. zone: office_door live_provider: webrtc # Note: Key name change. webrtc: entity: camera.office_rtsp url: 'rtsp://USERNAME:PASSWORD@CAMERA:554/RTSP_PATH' live: webrtc: any_other_webrtc_option: value ```
```yaml menu: conditions: [key]: [value] ``` ```yaml overrides: - conditions: [key]: [value] overrides: menu: mode: none ```
github-actions[bot] commented 2 years ago

πŸŽ‰ HACS repository validator action summary πŸŽ‰ βœ… The repository is not archived βœ… hacs.json has the 'name' key set βœ… The repository has a description βœ… The repository has topics βœ… The repository has issues enabled βœ… This day ends with an 'y' (Monday) βœ… exists βœ… Information file has images βšͺ Ignored check: hacs

NickM-27 commented 2 years ago

Just curious, is this ready for testing? I'd be happy to clone it into my HA and give feedback if anything comes up

dermotduffy commented 2 years ago

Hi @NickM-27 -- thanks for the interest and offer to help! It's getting closer, and I'm very actively working on finishing up this PR. Maybe give it a few days, and hopefully I'll get this merged in -- then I'd really welcome that testing (before I do a new official build). Thanks again.

NickM-27 commented 2 years ago

@dermotduffy sure sounds good! Would the best way to do it be to take everything in src/ and put that in the Lovelace directory? I just noticed official releases have a js.gz file instead of all the separate files.

dermotduffy commented 2 years ago

@NickM-27 Best bet would be to build it yourself ( and use that output. I can also attach a js.gz file to this PR when it's done to make that simpler.

NickM-27 commented 2 years ago

@dermotduffy Ah! Didn't see that at the bottom, feel free to include but I'll be able to build it myself no problem

NickM-27 commented 2 years ago

@dermotduffy I know this is still a WIP but I finished work early today and decided to give this branch a gander. I have to be honest it has been very positive!

The auto-migration worked well, swiping between my 3 cameras is smooth on all platforms and the lazy loading is still quite quick. Previously I had 3 frigate cards on the same dashboard page and it was pretty often that at least one would stay a white screen and not load, but with this single card I have not experienced that issue. The camera-switcher button is also very helpful when I am viewing clips as well!

The only thing I have found so far (you may be aware of it, but figured I would just mention it) is if I am viewing clips and use the camera switcher to view clips from another camera, there is a <- (back button) card that appears first. However, when I press that back button card it disappears and the clips remain the same instead of loading the clips from the previously selected camera. πŸ‘

In any case, I am quite happy and so far with my setup things have been working great.

dermotduffy commented 2 years ago

Hi @NickM-27 . Fantastic! Thank you for the testing. I didn't know about the 'back button' issue, I'll look into that. There are a few other things I need to also wrap up, but it's getting pretty close.

dermotduffy commented 2 years ago

@NickM-27 For whatever reason I cannot reproduce the "Back button" issue you describe. Here's what I do:

At this point, as per your bug report, I'd expect to have the back button stay there -- but I don't, it disappears and is replaced with the clips of the new camera (which is what I'd expect).


NickM-27 commented 2 years ago

@dermotduffy I am not drilling down that may be the difference. I'll attach a screen recording so you can see.

dermotduffy commented 2 years ago

@NickM-27 Huh. Weird, I still cannot reproduce that even without the drill down and I don't think I changed anything in this part of the code since you tested. Mind pasting your config?

NickM-27 commented 2 years ago

Just to remove a variable, I have been re-building to keep my card up to date with your commits so that isn't a concern.

type: custom:frigate-card
  default: live
  mode: below
    frigate: false
    frigate_ui: true
    snapshots: false
    image: false
    clips: true
    download: true
    fullscreen: true
    live: true
  preload: true
      mode: none
      style: none
    mode: below
    media: clips
      style: none
      mode: below
  aspect_ratio_mode: dynamic
  - camera_entity: camera.front_doorbell_cam
    live_provider: frigate-jsmpeg
  - camera_entity: camera.backyard_cam
    live_provider: frigate-jsmpeg
  - camera_entity: camera.office_cam
    live_provider: frigate-jsmpeg
NickM-27 commented 2 years ago

Okay scratch that last comment, it is happening on all devices. I just had a brain fart.

NickM-27 commented 2 years ago

@dermotduffy also I followed your steps and the back button remained after switching cameras. I wonder if one of my configs is weird?

dermotduffy commented 2 years ago

@NickM-27 OK, if I use your whole config, with my cameras, I can reproduce it! Leave it with me.

Update: Something to do with live.preload.

NickM-27 commented 2 years ago

Huh, never would have thought preload was the culprit. Glad I was able to help

NickM-27 commented 2 years ago

Okay that fixed the back button bug for me πŸ‘ I haven't found anything else either

dermotduffy commented 2 years ago

@NickM-27 Great, thanks for rechecking, it was a subtle one -- but getting your exact config was the key thing to make progress, so thanks for that.

This PR is now pretty close...