dermotduffy / frigate-hass-card

A Lovelace card for Frigate in Home Assistant
MIT License
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Add support for go2rtc 2-way audio #824

Closed luzik closed 1 year ago

luzik commented 1 year ago

As frigate-card supporting AlexxIT way of delivering content, please consider adding support for this new project featuring two way audio communication

dermotduffy commented 1 year ago

Relevant FAQ entry that includes an example of how this could be done:

Q. What about lovelace card with support 2-way audio?

At this moment I am focused on improving stability and adding new features to go2rtc. Maybe someone could write such a card themselves. It's not difficult, I have [some sketches](

As this is realistically quite a niche feature request, keeping this open for long-term exploration, or someone who wishes to contribute.

luzik commented 1 year ago

My personal use case is to use frigate-card with my Dahua VTO (video doorbell), so from a user perspective it would be awesome, to have 3 extra buttons on live stream available.

dermotduffy commented 1 year ago

Agree that would be fantastic for that usecase (which is less niche)!

PS: you can add the unlock button today via a custom element (in case you hadn't seen that).

conorlap commented 1 year ago

This would be a great feature!!

felipecrs commented 1 year ago

Just in case it matters for the sake of reference, the sip-hass-card manages to use microphone in the HA dashboard:

It works even when using the companion app. And I concur, two-way audio would be a killing feature for me to fully get rid of the Dahua app and use HA only.

felipecrs commented 1 year ago
felipecrs commented 1 year ago

Another use case:

All my cameras have 2-audio support ("pretendbly" the same kind of 2-way audio supported by go2rtc) and having the option to speak through them would allow me to surprise someone if spoten doing some doubtful.

calisro commented 1 year ago
  • sound on/off
  • microphone on/off

^ This! I have to currently use a card_mod popup to speak to the cameras.

dermotduffy commented 1 year ago

I'm excited about the doorbell usecase, so do plan to work on this. Adding @AlexxIT as an FYI and in case they have any alternatives or reasons this would be a bad idea. My plan is simply to start experimenting with the sketch they already prepared in the context of the Frigate card.

calisro commented 1 year ago

Hi. I wanted to link this issue with this enhancement to take into consideration when adding support for 2-way audio.

It shouldn't merely be a requirement to 'mute' the microphone but instead I believe it should be considered to disable/enable it instead so as not to tie up the buttons on doorbells and other devices while simply 'viewing' the cameras.

AlexxIT commented 1 year ago

It is important to know that you need to access the microphone BEFORE starting the stream on the client. As far as I know, you can't add a track to already started WebRTC connection. But you can stop microphone right after init:

Also, go2rtc cannot start a backchannel for an already running RTSP connection. It will turn it on the first time it connects to the camera.

calisro commented 1 year ago

I wonder how the amcrest app does it. The app will show a live video of the doorbell while keeping the actual doorbell button active which is good. The app user can select the microphone button and it looks like it enables it on the existing stream.

Perhaps it is doing this:

But you can stop microphone right after init

and then re-enabling it.

Perhaps with proper disable/enable of the microphones, the doorbell remains active. But in my testing simply disabling the microphone in the html didn't stop the doorbell button from becoming disabled.

felipecrs commented 1 year ago

Well, another option would be to reload the stream upon enabling/disabling microphone.

AlexxIT commented 1 year ago

Someone has to wireshark the original app.

Daniel-dev22 commented 1 year ago

Someone has to wireshark the original app.

What would I be looking for?

AlexxIT commented 1 year ago

The moment when amcrest app enable microphone

whinis commented 1 year ago

I will be getting one of these tomorrow and I can wireshark it and see what is being sent

whinis commented 1 year ago

I have a dump of the connection. Whenever I attempt to activate the microphone there must be an encrypted call from the server to the camera that I cannot decode and same from app to server. However afterwords there is a POST from the camera to the server with /device//transfer-stream/talk/1/0/encrypt with the payload shown below. The addr is the AWS server ip its contacting

{ "addr" : "", "assistStream" : "true", "channelId" : "0", "design" : "first", "deviceType" : "device", "encrypt" : "1", "latitude" : "\<hex>", "location" : "\<hex>", "longitude" : "\<hex>", "num" : 0, "port" : 9112, "talkType" : "talk", "timeLimit" : true, "tlsPort" : 9113, "type" : "RTSP", "url" : "\/device\/\<serial>\/transfer-stream\/talk\/encrypt", "videoLimit" : 0, "viewer" : "294577" } Shortly afterwords the server makes a OPTIONS request to the camera with the following string

OPTIONS rtsp://

I no nothing else obvious outside of these two calls.

EDIT: Outside of these calls everything else seems to be over a tunnel of some sort setup via http over UDP

felipecrs commented 1 year ago

I still think it's very reasonable for the moment if the card simply reload the stream when you enable/disable microphone.

And I can't wait for this feature, I expect that I will be able to get rid of my Dahua app for answering the doorbell with it and therefore use solely HA.

PS: I would recommend to move the VTO-specific discussion to the go2rtc repository.

AlexxIT commented 1 year ago

I'm wondering if the app makes a new RTSP connection to the camera when you press the microphone button or if it sends this request within the existing RTSP connection.

whinis commented 1 year ago

I can send you a dump if you want AlexxIT, I cannot decipher anything with my limited knowledge because it seems to be wrapped in a tunnel. and every packet except these and a few TLS packets are 1514 bytes in size

akston commented 1 year ago

This issue seems to have stagnated, is this still a planned feature? Is there some other solution people have turned to (that doesn't involve SIP) that I'm unaware of?

dermotduffy commented 1 year ago

This issue seems to have stagnated, is this still a planned feature? Is there some other solution people have turned to (that doesn't involve SIP) that I'm unaware of?

Absolutely. For now, I'm trying to get v4.1.0 (backlog) out the door. This feature is scheduled for v4.2. v4.1 includes basic "native" go2rtc support, which I am hoping is a step towards this feature.

felipecrs commented 1 year ago

Is there some other solution people have turned to (that doesn't involve SIP) that I'm unaware of?

Are you aware of the latest improvements on go2rtc and WebRTC card towards 2-way audio?

whinis commented 1 year ago

For now I have relegated to just opening a proxy to go2rtc run off frigate without any security and sending a link in notifications to my phone

felipecrs commented 1 year ago

I have not tried, but doesn't the webrtc card now support 2 way audio?

felipecrs commented 1 year ago

never mind, I think it only supports playing audio.

cbuxton5200 commented 1 year ago

I would love to have this support as well to answer video doorbell calls. Just as an FYI, in order to get a browser to support a microphone, you need to access the go2rtc URL via HTTPS with a trusted certificate.

dermotduffy commented 1 year ago

OK -- initial experimental support has been added and for now I'm going to close this issue.

felipecrs commented 1 year ago

Wow, this is awesome! Can't wait to test.