dernasherbrezon / r2cloud

Decode satellite signals on Raspberry PI or any other 64-bit CPU.
Apache License 2.0
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Better quality picture #109

Closed F21467 closed 3 years ago

F21467 commented 3 years ago

Hello, can we get a better picture for NOAA and if so how? Thank you a

Lukas0025 commented 3 years ago

it looks like you have a lot of noise in the picture. Better antenna or some filter can help, if not try find source of noise spectrogram can help here. But with NOAA APT it is necessary to count that the images will not be the best, it is an analog transmission. Demonstration of standard quality on If you want good picture look on digital satellites like METEOR-M2 or HRPT of NOAA, but HRPT not supported by R2Cloud yet.

F21467 commented 3 years ago

Thank you for your answer

F21467 commented 3 years ago

With a new antenna it's OK