dernasherbrezon / r2cloud

Decode satellite signals on Raspberry PI or any other 64-bit CPU.
Apache License 2.0
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RTL-SDR USB multiple dongles #113

Closed Nammurg closed 2 years ago

Nammurg commented 2 years ago

Can we add on the web interface an option for the RTL-SDR USB Serial Number? I have a setup with one Pi and multiple RTL-SDR USB dongles and I would like for r2cloud to use a specific dongle and not one at random.

dernasherbrezon commented 2 years ago

Yes, it is possible. Just curious why do you need several dongles on the same pi? The board is too slow to handle even one and r2cloud doesn’t schedule observations on different dongles at the same time.

Nammurg commented 2 years ago

Hi, thanks for the reply!

Well I have a project at the moment where I have a RPi 4 (8GB RAM) on which I run docker and multiple containers. I have 2 RTL SDR sticks as well as a FlightAware Pro stick (for ADS-B).

The containers I run on that Pi are:

Now I wanted to install r2cloud as a container and point it to the 2nd RTL-SDR stick but I have not found any pre-built containers yet and I am not that advanced to build a container from scratch. I was thinking of installing r2cloud on the Pi itself and test it that way but I would really like r2cloud as a container.

In regards of utilization, the Pi is running pretty well... image

dernasherbrezon commented 2 years ago

There is a bit of room on rpi4 indeed. R2cloud will instantly consume 1 core for demodulation. I will implement something similar to piaware in R2cloud

dernasherbrezon commented 2 years ago

Fixed. Change the local config at ~/.r2cloud. Update the parameter:


By default index is 0.