dernasherbrezon / r2cloud

Decode satellite signals on Raspberry PI or any other 64-bit CPU.
Apache License 2.0
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error java 549 #82

Open Eric738 opened 4 years ago

Eric738 commented 4 years ago

ga after send this cmd i have : pi@raspberrypi:~ $ journalctl -u r2cloud -p 3 -- Logs begin at Sat 2020-03-21 14:06:14 CET, end at Sat 2020-04-25 16:45:47 CEST. -- Apr 24 14:16:45 raspberrypi java[549]: executor did not terminate in the specified time: sch-start [ru.r2cloud.util.Util shutdown]

how fix it ? thank for info

dernasherbrezon commented 4 years ago

Looks like bug. No critical though. R2cloud cannot terminate one of its threads gracefully.

Eric738 commented 4 years ago

ok Thank again !