dernasherbrezon / r2cloud

Decode satellite signals on Raspberry PI or any other 64-bit CPU.
Apache License 2.0
255 stars 30 forks source link

Some questions ... #84

Closed Eric738 closed 4 years ago

Eric738 commented 4 years ago



dernasherbrezon commented 4 years ago


  1. NOAA 18 should be in the list available satellites (see top level menu "Satellites"). Do you have screenshot?
  2. The signal on spectrogram is normalized. So even if you see strong (red or yellow) signal on the spectrogram, r2cloud demodulators might not pick it up. You can leave base station for some time and collect results over couple of days.
  3. Another important thing is min and guaranteed elevation. Some satellites are sending weak signals. You can tune these parameters based on your antenna. Current parameters:

    scheduler.elevation.min=8 scheduler.elevation.guaranteed=20

  4. Meteor demodulation takes time. If you see observation and its spectrogram but no data, then just wait for 1 hour or maybe more. It takes time to decode it.
  5. Please join , we can help you with adhoc questions there
Eric738 commented 4 years ago


oh , sorry i found Noaa 18..only one pass in my page..:) ok for all infos, i stay one hour on page on meteor to check.. and i join Thank