dernasherbrezon / sx127x

Library to work with Semtech chips SX1276/77/78/79.
Apache License 2.0
31 stars 4 forks source link

Problem with continuous transmission #2

Closed Gepsonka closed 1 year ago

Gepsonka commented 1 year ago

I could not resolve a problem with transmitting messages continuously.

I have a task which has a queue and other tasks can send packet for transmission.

Expected behaviour

Transmitting every single packet.

Actual behaviour

It transmits every 3rd-4th packet when a task sending packets every 50ms and I have to always set back the mode to SX127x_MODE_RX_CONT to send the packets.


#include "lora.h"

static const char TAG[] = "LoRa";

// device can only be accessed by one task or interrupt at a time
SemaphoreHandle_t xLoraMutex;
// Rx buff mutex is not needed because the rx_callback dispatches the tasks
// TX buffer is not needed because the task will send data when it receives a packet from queue
QueueHandle_t lora_tx_queue;
SemaphoreHandle_t xLoraTXQueueMutex;
sx127x *lora_device;
spi_device_handle_t lora_spi_device;
TaskHandle_t lora_interrupt_handler;
// When a packet needs to be sent, only put in the rx buffer
// The sender task sends the packets
TaskHandle_t lora_packet_sender_handler;
LoRa_Packet lora_rx_buff[20];

uint16_t lora_calc_header_crc(LoRa_Packet_Header* header){
    uint8_t header_arr[5] = {header->src_device_addr, header->dest_device_addr,
                             header->num_of_packets, header->packet_num,

    return crc16_be(0, header_arr, 5);

uint16_t lora_calc_packet_crc(LoRa_Packet_Payload* payload, uint8_t payload_length){
    return crc16_be(0, payload->payload, payload_length);

void lora_display_packet(LoRa_Packet* packet_to_display){
    printf("Printing packet...\n");
    printf("\t\tSource device address: %d\n", packet_to_display->header.src_device_addr);
    printf("\t\tDestination device address: %d\n", packet_to_display->header.dest_device_addr);
    printf("\t\tPacket number: %d\n", packet_to_display->header.packet_num);
    printf("\t\tPayload size: %d\n", packet_to_display->header.payload_size);
    printf("\t\tHeader CRC: %d\n", packet_to_display->header.payload_size);
    for (uint8_t i = 0; i < packet_to_display->header.payload_size; i++) {
        printf("%#X ", packet_to_display->payload.payload[i]);

    printf("\tPayload CRC:\n");
    printf("\t\t%d\n", packet_to_display->payload.payload_crc);

void IRAM_ATTR lora_handle_interrupt_fromisr(void *arg)

void init_lora(spi_device_handle_t* spi_device, sx127x* lora_dev) {
    spi_device_interface_config_t dev_cfg = {
            .clock_speed_hz = 100000,
            .spics_io_num = LORA_SS_PIN,
            .queue_size = 16,
            .command_bits = 0,
            .address_bits = 8,
            .dummy_bits = 0,
            .mode = 0

    ESP_ERROR_CHECK(spi_bus_add_device(LORA_SPI_HOST, &dev_cfg, spi_device));
    ESP_ERROR_CHECK(sx127x_create(*spi_device, &lora_dev));
    ESP_ERROR_CHECK(sx127x_set_opmod(SX127x_MODE_SLEEP, lora_dev));
    ESP_ERROR_CHECK(sx127x_set_frequency(437200012, lora_dev));
    ESP_ERROR_CHECK(sx127x_set_opmod(SX127x_MODE_STANDBY, lora_dev));
    ESP_ERROR_CHECK(sx127x_set_bandwidth(SX127x_BW_125000, lora_dev));
    ESP_ERROR_CHECK(sx127x_set_implicit_header(NULL, lora_dev));
    ESP_ERROR_CHECK(sx127x_set_modem_config_2(SX127x_SF_7, lora_dev));
    ESP_ERROR_CHECK(sx127x_set_syncword(18, lora_dev));
    ESP_ERROR_CHECK(sx127x_set_preamble_length(8, lora_dev));
    sx127x_set_tx_callback(tx_callback, lora_dev);
    sx127x_set_rx_callback(rx_callback, lora_dev);

    ESP_ERROR_CHECK(sx127x_set_opmod(SX127x_MODE_RX_CONT, lora_dev));
    ESP_ERROR_CHECK(sx127x_set_pa_config(SX127x_PA_PIN_BOOST, 4, lora_dev));

    BaseType_t task_code = xTaskCreatePinnedToCore(handle_interrupt_task, "handle interrupt", 8196, lora_dev, 100, &lora_interrupt_handler, xPortGetCoreID());
    if (task_code != pdPASS)
        ESP_LOGE(TAG, "can't create task %d", task_code);

    ESP_ERROR_CHECK(gpio_set_direction((gpio_num_t)LORA_DIO0_PIN, GPIO_MODE_INPUT));
    ESP_ERROR_CHECK(gpio_set_intr_type((gpio_num_t)LORA_DIO0_PIN, GPIO_INTR_POSEDGE));
            gpio_isr_handler_add((gpio_num_t) LORA_DIO0_PIN, lora_handle_interrupt_fromisr, (void *) lora_dev));

    xLoraMutex = xSemaphoreCreateMutex();
    xLoraTXQueueMutex = xSemaphoreCreateMutex();
    lora_tx_queue = xQueueCreate(50, sizeof(LoRa_Packet*));
    BaseType_t sender_task_code = xTaskCreatePinnedToCore(lora_packet_sender_task, "PacketSenderTask", 5120, lora_dev, 2, &lora_packet_sender_handler, 1);
    if (sender_task_code != pdPASS)
        ESP_LOGE(TAG, "can't create sender task %d", task_code);

void handle_interrupt_task(void *arg)
    while (1)
        sx127x_handle_interrupt((sx127x *)arg);

void tx_callback(sx127x *device)
    ESP_LOGI(TAG, "transmitted");

void rx_callback(sx127x *device) {
    uint8_t *data = NULL;
    uint8_t data_length = 0;
    esp_err_t code = sx127x_read_payload(device, &data, &data_length);
    if (code != ESP_OK) {
        ESP_LOGE(TAG, "can't read %d", code);
    if (data_length == 0) {
        // no message received
    uint8_t payload[514];
    const char SYMBOLS[] = "0123456789ABCDEF";
    for (size_t i = 0; i < data_length; i++) {
        uint8_t cur = data[i];
        payload[2 * i] = SYMBOLS[cur >> 4];
        payload[2 * i + 1] = SYMBOLS[cur & 0x0F];
    payload[data_length * 2] = '\0';

    int16_t rssi;
    ESP_ERROR_CHECK(sx127x_get_packet_rssi(device, &rssi));
    float snr;
    ESP_ERROR_CHECK(sx127x_get_packet_snr(device, &snr));
    int32_t frequency_error;
    ESP_ERROR_CHECK(sx127x_get_frequency_error(device, &frequency_error));

    ESP_LOGI(TAG, "received: %d %s rssi: %d snr: %f freq_error: %ld", data_length, payload, rssi, snr, frequency_error);

void lora_packet_sender_task(void* pvParameters) {
    sx127x* lora_dev = (sx127x*) pvParameters;
    LoRa_Packet packet_to_send;
    // Optimization: if there are messages which has packet left to send
    // the program does not set the LoRa mode back to receiving until every message has been sent
    // which is indicated by the 0 value
    uint8_t messages_unfinished = 0;
    uint8_t mode = SX127x_MODE_RX_CONT;
    uint8_t lora_mutex_is_held_by_task = 0;
    while (1) {
        if( xQueueReceive(lora_tx_queue, &packet_to_send, 1000) == pdPASS )
            if ( lora_mutex_is_held_by_task || xSemaphoreTake(xLoraMutex, portMAX_DELAY) == pdTRUE) {
                lora_mutex_is_held_by_task = 1;
                if (mode != SX127x_MODE_TX) {
                    ESP_ERROR_CHECK(sx127x_set_opmod(SX127x_MODE_TX, lora_dev));
                    //vTaskDelay(50 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS);
                    ESP_LOGI("LoRa", "Device set to tx...");
                    mode = SX127x_MODE_TX;


                // TODO: Put a while (spi_device_is_polling_transaction(spi)) here to
                // check when the spi bs is available
                // otherwise the lora_send_packet will throw spi error

                //ESP_ERROR_CHECK(lora_send_packet(lora_dev, &packet_to_send));
                // Indicating the last packet of the message
                if (packet_to_send.header.packet_num == packet_to_send.header.num_of_packets - 1 &&
                    packet_to_send.header.num_of_packets != 1) {

                // Indicating start of the message
                if (packet_to_send.header.packet_num == 0 && packet_to_send.header.num_of_packets != 1) {

//                // Indicating all messages has been sent
//                if (messages_unfinished == 0) {
//                    ESP_ERROR_CHECK(sx127x_set_opmod(SX127x_MODE_RX_CONT, lora_dev));
//                    mode = SX127x_MODE_RX_CONT;
//                    xSemaphoreGive(xLoraMutex);
//                    lora_mutex_is_held_by_task = 0;
//                }

        } else { // if packet are not received for a long period of time, reset state
            if (mode != SX127x_MODE_RX_CONT) {
                ESP_ERROR_CHECK(sx127x_set_opmod(SX127x_MODE_RX_CONT, lora_dev));
                ESP_LOGI("LoRa", "LoRa set back to rx");
                mode = SX127x_MODE_RX_CONT;

            if (lora_mutex_is_held_by_task == 1) {
                lora_mutex_is_held_by_task = 0;

// Calculates CRC and sends packet
uint8_t lora_send_packet(sx127x *lora_dev, LoRa_Packet* packet){
    uint8_t data[255];
    memset(&data[0], packet->header.src_device_addr, sizeof(uint8_t));
    memset(&data[1], packet->header.dest_device_addr, sizeof(uint8_t));
    memset(&data[2], packet->header.num_of_packets, sizeof(uint8_t));
    memset(&data[3], packet->header.packet_num, sizeof(uint8_t));
    memset(&data[4], packet->header.payload_size, sizeof(uint8_t));
    memcpy(&data[7], packet->payload.payload, packet->header.payload_size);
    memset(&data[7 + packet->header.payload_size], packet->payload.payload_crc, sizeof(uint16_t));
    ESP_ERROR_CHECK(sx127x_set_for_transmission(data, packet->header.payload_size + sizeof(LoRa_Packet_Header) + sizeof(uint16_t), lora_dev));
    ESP_ERROR_CHECK(sx127x_set_opmod(SX127x_MODE_TX, lora_dev));
    //uint8_t res = sx127x_set_for_transmission((uint8_t*) "asdasd", 6, lora_dev);
    ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Sent packet...");
    return 0;

uint8_t lora_send_message(uint8_t src_addr, uint8_t dest_addr, uint8_t* message, uint8_t message_len) {
    LoRa_Packet* lora_packets_buff;

    uint8_t num_of_full_packets = message_len / LORA_PAYLOAD_MAX_SIZE;
    uint8_t remaining_packet_size = message_len % LORA_PAYLOAD_MAX_SIZE;

    uint8_t num_of_packets = num_of_full_packets;
    if (remaining_packet_size != 0) {

    lora_packets_buff = (LoRa_Packet*) malloc(sizeof(LoRa_Packet) * num_of_packets);
    if (lora_packets_buff == NULL) {
        ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Unable to allocate memory for packets.");

    for (uint8_t i = 0; i < num_of_packets; i++){
        LoRa_Packet packet;
        if (message_len / LORA_PAYLOAD_MAX_SIZE == 0) {
            memcpy(packet.payload.payload, &(message[i * LORA_PAYLOAD_MAX_SIZE]), remaining_packet_size);
            packet.header.payload_size = remaining_packet_size;
        } else {
            memcpy(packet.payload.payload, &(message[i * LORA_PAYLOAD_MAX_SIZE]), LORA_PAYLOAD_MAX_SIZE);
            packet.header.payload_size = LORA_PAYLOAD_MAX_SIZE;

        packet.header.src_device_addr = src_addr;
        packet.header.dest_device_addr = dest_addr;
        packet.header.num_of_packets = num_of_packets;
        packet.header.packet_num = i;
        lora_calc_packet_crc(&(packet.payload), packet.header.payload_size);
        message_len -= LORA_PAYLOAD_MAX_SIZE;

        // Do not send immediately, needed to cache the whole message for the networking
        // and error correcting part
        lora_packets_buff[i] = packet;

        xQueueSend(lora_tx_queue, (void*) &packet, portMAX_DELAY);


    return MESSAGE_OK;

(It is not finished, but should trasmit...)

Packet sender task:

void network_temporary_controller_task(void* pvParameters) {
    Network_Device_Context* device_to_send = get_device_from_arp(&device_container, 0x01);
    if (device_to_send == NULL) {
        ESP_LOGI("network", "Device not in arp.");
    } else {
        ESP_LOGI("network", "Device in arp.");

    device_to_send->tx_secret_message = (uint8_t*) malloc(3 * sizeof(uint8_t));
    if (device_to_send->tx_secret_message == NULL) {
        ESP_LOGI("network", "Out of memory temp.");

    device_to_send->tx_secret_message_size = 3 * sizeof(uint16_t);
    uint16_t thr_raw_val;
    uint16_t joystick_x_raw_val;
    uint16_t joystick_y_raw_val;

    while (1) {
        vTaskDelay(50 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS);
        if (xSemaphoreTake(joystick_semaphore_handle, portMAX_DELAY) == pdTRUE) {
            adc2_get_raw(JOYSTICK_X_AXIS_ADC_CHANNEL, ADC_WIDTH, &joystick_x_raw_val);
            adc2_get_raw(JOYSTICK_Y_AXIS_ADC_CHANNEL, ADC_WIDTH, &joystick_y_raw_val);
            memset(&device_to_send->tx_secret_message[0], joystick_x_raw_val, sizeof(uint16_t));
            memset(&device_to_send->tx_secret_message[2], joystick_y_raw_val, sizeof(uint16_t));

        adc2_get_raw(ADC_CHANNEL, ADC_WIDTH, &thr_raw_val);

        memset(&device_to_send->tx_secret_message[4], thr_raw_val, sizeof(uint16_t));

        // problem with deconstruct fn

        set_packets_for_tx(device_to_send, &lora_tx_queue);

dernasherbrezon commented 1 year ago


Once packet transmitted, sx127x will generate an interrupt. If you try to send another packet before receiving this interrupt, then it will be corrupted. It seems that 50ms is not enough to send the packet using selected bandwidth, coding rate &etc.

If you need to send packets continuously, then have a look at example:

It will send several packets one after another.

Since 50ms is not enough lora_tx_queue will overflow eventually. You need to conflate/throttle incoming messages somehow.

Gepsonka commented 1 year ago

Thank you for the help, I changed the bandwidth and now it works.