derric / cleanthesis

Clean Thesis is a clean, simple, and elegant LaTeX style (or template) for thesis documents.
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Problem regarding spacing between section and subsections #121

Closed AnnSofieBille closed 4 years ago

AnnSofieBille commented 4 years ago

I'm working on a project using the Clean thesis template. And I have trouble adding a fixed space between the lines. I'm not an expert in Overleaf, but I have tried many things with no success. The code in the document for sectionformat looks like this. I have tried adding \vskip and

`\ifct@cthesis@hangsection \renewcommand*{\sectionformat}{% \usekomafont{section}%


I have tried adding \vskip in the code, but it didn't change anything. I also tried using the package \usepackage{titlesec}. Where I typed in: \titlespacing\section{0pt}{2\spacelineskip}{2\spacelineskip}

Hope some of you have figured out a way.

You can see the issues on the two attached files. The first picture shows a consistent space between the section and sebsection, which is different on the second picture. Hope you can solve this one :-)

Anmærkning 2020-04-15 155421 Anmærkning 2020-04-15 155519