An Azure Static Web App wrapping an Angular client for capturing scores and score sheet images. It also feeds back results and sheets to groups and group members
When we are installing npm packages in the APP we need to force the npm install. This is dues to some packages being obsolete or vulnerable and then upgrade to address high critialatiloty vulnerabilities cause conflicts with other packages that have reached end of life or are no longer maintained.
It is appreciated that this is a mess and may result in a rewrite of the solution being required. Due to this applcation originally being Ionic. Then dropped to a PWA using the Angular build rather than the Ionic one.
When we are installing npm packages in the APP we need to force the npm install. This is dues to some packages being obsolete or vulnerable and then upgrade to address high critialatiloty vulnerabilities cause conflicts with other packages that have reached end of life or are no longer maintained.
It is appreciated that this is a mess and may result in a rewrite of the solution being required. Due to this applcation originally being Ionic. Then dropped to a PWA using the Angular build rather than the Ionic one.