dertuxmalwieder / SublimeTodoTxt

Sublime Text syntax highlighting for Todo.txt
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Update TodoTxt.tmLanguage #19

Closed servous closed 7 years ago

servous commented 7 years ago

Hi! I'm all new to git and GitHub so I hope I'm doing this the right way :)

I'd like to propose this change to make @contexts and +projects highlight also when it's the first word in a row, which it doesn't do at the moment.

dertuxmalwieder commented 7 years ago

Does that match the Todo.txt standard? I thought it requires the priority first.

dertuxmalwieder commented 7 years ago

(Sorry, mobile.)

servous commented 7 years ago


It shouldn't matter where in a line you use @context or +project. See for examples.

IF you use priority it must be first. My change is intended to highlight @context and +project if they are fist in the line OR if they are preceded with other text (priorities or whatever).

I don't possess mad regex skills though :D

dertuxmalwieder commented 7 years ago

Oh, thanks. Learned a new thing today. :)