dertuxmalwieder / SublimeTodoTxt

Sublime Text syntax highlighting for Todo.txt
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Remove the dot `.` on the package name `Todo.txt Syntax` #23

Closed evandrocoan closed 6 years ago

evandrocoan commented 6 years ago

On (Test against package names containing periods) was determinate that Sublime Text 3 cannot support package names within dot on their names. Then all the packages with dot . on their names should either be renamed without the dot, or marked as Sublime Text 2 supported.

If after sometime, a pull request to package_control_channel removing the dot . on the package name is not sent, the package will be marked as supported by Sublime Text 2 only. Currently the package is marked as supported by all versions of Sublime Text.

dertuxmalwieder commented 6 years ago

Does Package Control support updating a package which changes its name?

evandrocoan commented 6 years ago

Sure. You just need to set the previous_names setting, and everybody who has installed your package will get their installed name renamed as soon as package control starts updating the packages. Example:

            "name": "FoldFunctions",
            "previous_names": ["Fold Functions"],
            "details": "",
            "releases": [
                    "sublime_text": ">=3126",
                    "tags": true
dertuxmalwieder commented 6 years ago

As far as I can see, the limitation does not really affect SublimeTodoTxt as I don't have any Python code here. But for convenience, I'll submit a change request...

Thank you for telling me. :)