hi, i'm actually being on a loop while running the script with wifite.
it says that the current wlan0 is doing to be in a monitor mode, and it says done.
But the program still print:
[+] scanning for wireless devices...
[+] enabling monitor mode on wlan0... done
[+] enabling monitor mode on wlan0... done
[+] enabling monitor mode on wlan0... done
, i've tried to run some aircrack-ng, like aircrack-ng check kill and i've got smth like:
root@kali:~/wifite# aircrack-ng check kill
Opening check
open failed: No such file or directory
Opening kill
open failed: No such file or directory
Read 0 packets.
No networks found, exiting.
Quitting aircrack-ng...
hi, i'm actually being on a loop while running the script with wifite. it says that the current wlan0 is doing to be in a monitor mode, and it says done. But the program still print:
, i've tried to run some aircrack-ng, like aircrack-ng check kill and i've got smth like: