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Amazon Pinpoint analytics #19

Open desaiyang opened 2 years ago

desaiyang commented 2 years ago

Amazon Pinpoint analytics


Using the analytics that Amazon Pinpoint provides, you can gain insight into your user base by viewing trends related to user engagement, campaign outreach, revenue, and more.

As users interact with your project, Amazon Pinpoint collects and stores analytics data for these interactions. You can view that data to learn about areas such as your users' level of engagement, purchase activity, and demographics. For example, if you have a mobile app, you can view charts and metrics that show how many users open your app each day, when users open your app, and the revenue that's generated by your app.

By viewing charts about device attributes, you can also learn which platforms and devices your app is installed on. To report these and other metrics for a mobile app, your app must be integrated with Amazon Pinpoint through one of the supported AWS Mobile SDKs. For more information, see Integrating Amazon Pinpoint with your app in the Amazon Pinpoint Developer Guide.

You can also monitor campaign analytics to see how your campaigns are performing in aggregate, as well as individually. For example, you can follow the total number of messages or push notifications that were sent, the percentage of messages or push notifications that users opened, opt-out rates, and other information. If you create a campaign that includes an A/B test, you can also use analytics to compare the effectiveness of the campaign treatments. For example, you can assess whether users are more likely to open your mobile app because they received a certain variation of a campaign message.

To analyze how many users are completing each step in a conversion process, such as purchasing an item or upgrading your app, you can create and monitor funnels.

To analyze or store analytics data outside Amazon Pinpoint, you can configure Amazon Pinpoint to stream the data to Amazon Kinesis.

desaiyang commented 2 years ago

Create CloudWatch alarms for Amazon Pinpoint metrics


In Amazon CloudWatch, you can create an alarm that sends a notification when the value of a certain metric is within or outside a threshold that you define. For example, you can create an alarm that notifies you if more than a certain number of campaign messages weren't sent due to a temporary issue. In this example, the alarm sends a notification if the value of the CampaignSendMessageTemporaryFailure metric is greater than the value that you specify.

This topic explains how to create an alarm for an Amazon Pinpoint metric by using the CloudWatch console. For more information about creating alarms, including detailed information about alarm configuration settings, see Using Amazon CloudWatch alarms in the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide.

To create an alarm for an Amazon Pinpoint metric

Open the CloudWatch console at

In the navigation pane, choose Alarms.

Choose Create alarm.

Choose Select metric.

On the All metrics tab, choose Pinpoint, and then choose the type of metric that you want to create an alarm for. The types of available metrics depends on the Amazon Pinpoint features that you use.

Select the metric that you want to create an alarm for, and then choose Select metric. The Specify metric and conditions page appears, showing a graph and other information about the metric.

Under Conditions, complete the following steps:

For Threshold type, choose Static.

For Whenever metric is, specify whether you want the value of the metric to be greater than, greater than or equal to, less than, or less than or equal to the threshold to trigger the alarm. Then, under than, enter the threshold value that you want to trigger the alarm.

Under Additional configuration, complete the following steps:

For Datapoints to alarm, enter the number of evaluation periods (datapoints) during which the metric value must meet the threshold conditions to trigger the alarm.

For Missing data treatment, choose what you want the alarm to do if some data is missing.

Choose Next.

Under Notification, complete the following steps:

For Whenever this alarm state is, choose in Alarm.

For Select an SNS topic, choose or create an Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic that you want the alarm notification to be sent to.

Choose Next.

Enter a name and, optionally, a description for the alarm, and then choose Next.

Under Preview and create, review and confirm that the alarm settings are what you want, and then choose Create alarm.

desaiyang commented 2 years ago

pinpoint Description Doc Engage API - Amazon Pinpoint API

Available Commands create-app create-campaign create-email-template create-export-job create-import-job create-in-app-template create-journey create-push-template create-recommender-configuration create-segment create-sms-template create-voice-template delete-adm-channel delete-apns-channel delete-apns-sandbox-channel delete-apns-voip-channel delete-apns-voip-sandbox-channel delete-app delete-baidu-channel delete-campaign delete-email-channel delete-email-template delete-endpoint delete-event-stream delete-gcm-channel delete-in-app-template delete-journey delete-push-template delete-recommender-configuration delete-segment delete-sms-channel delete-sms-template delete-user-endpoints delete-voice-channel delete-voice-template get-adm-channel get-apns-channel get-apns-sandbox-channel get-apns-voip-channel get-apns-voip-sandbox-channel get-app get-application-date-range-kpi get-application-settings get-apps get-baidu-channel get-campaign get-campaign-activities get-campaign-date-range-kpi get-campaign-version get-campaign-versions get-campaigns get-channels get-email-channel get-email-template get-endpoint get-event-stream get-export-job get-export-jobs get-gcm-channel get-import-job get-import-jobs get-in-app-messages get-in-app-template get-journey get-journey-date-range-kpi get-journey-execution-activity-metrics get-journey-execution-metrics get-push-template get-recommender-configuration get-recommender-configurations get-segment get-segment-export-jobs get-segment-import-jobs get-segment-version get-segment-versions get-segments get-sms-channel get-sms-template get-user-endpoints get-voice-channel get-voice-template list-journeys list-tags-for-resource list-template-versions list-templates phone-number-validate put-event-stream put-events remove-attributes send-messages send-otp-message send-users-messages tag-resource untag-resource update-adm-channel update-apns-channel update-apns-sandbox-channel update-apns-voip-channel update-apns-voip-sandbox-channel update-application-settings update-baidu-channel update-campaign update-email-channel update-email-template update-endpoint update-endpoints-batch update-gcm-channel update-in-app-template update-journey update-journey-state update-push-template update-recommender-configuration update-segment update-sms-channel update-sms-template update-template-active-version update-voice-channel update-voice-template verify-otp-message