desandro / draggabilly

:point_down: Make that shiz draggable
MIT License
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Nested draggables #150

Closed franciscolourenco closed 6 years ago

franciscolourenco commented 7 years ago

When draggables are nested, dragging the child will also drag the parent. Any solution to prevent parents from being dragged as well?

desandro commented 7 years ago


Thanks for reporting this issue. I think the best way to resolve this issue is use handles, using the back handle technique

See demo

franciscolourenco commented 7 years ago

What do you think about adding an option to exclude the children from triggering the drag? Something in the lines of

desandro commented 7 years ago

Nice move! I don't feel this option is necessary to be added to master. However, you can monkey punch it with this code

Draggabilly.defaults.excludeChildren = false;

var pointerDown = Draggabilly.prototype.pointerDown;
Draggabilly.prototype.pointerDown = function( event, pointer ) {
  if (this.options.excludeChildren && this.element !== {

  pointerDown.apply( this, arguments );