desandro / masonry

:love_hotel: Cascading grid layout plugin
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Some type errors persist after loading masonry types #1167

Open haydentech opened 2 years ago

haydentech commented 2 years ago

I'm attempting to convert a working JavaScript project using Masonry, ImagesLoaded, and InfiniteScroll over to TypeScript. The types for Masonry are available using "npm install --save @types/masonry-layout". After loading the types, many errors went away, but I'm still getting type errors for several places that appear to be working, correct code taken right from your sample code. Here are some examples:

$grid.masonry("destroy"); //

 Type '"destroy"' has no properties in common with type 'Options'.ts(2559)

$grid.masonry( 'remove', this ); //

Expected 0-1 arguments, but got 2.ts(2554)

Basically any construct with .masonry(string) is not accepted. Is there a shortcoming in the types files, or am I doing something wrong?

haydentech commented 2 years ago

Adding the specified line to index.d.ts seems to fix all the issues:

declare global {
    interface JQuery {
        masonry(options?: Masonry.Options): JQuery;
    masonry(selector: string | Element, options?: Masonry.Options | JQuery): JQuery;   // add this line