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:love_hotel: Cascading grid layout plugin
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Overlapping grid items #1170

Closed Dainamics closed 2 years ago

Dainamics commented 2 years ago

I am having an issue with overlapping images (or actually DIVs) which is similar to issues 1157 and 1165. However, the DIV is not dynamically added and I am not aware of using lazy load. The problem, as shown in the screen print, occurs when you first go to the home page of our site.

It disappears when you use pagination to go to page 2 and then return to page 1. It also disappears when you first reduce the size of the browser window and then make it larger again. On category pages, for instance archeologie, this also not occurs. It is just the homepage.

Could you please supply a solution or a workaround, as this problem is stopping the site from going live. It is not only causing part of certain pictures to be hidden, but the text underneath as well. Many thanks in advance!

afbeelding afbeelding

Dainamics commented 2 years ago

I removed the lazyload option from Avada and now it works ok.