I want to normalize mel spectrograms extracted by Audio2Wav class to the range [-1, 1], but I have no idea how to do it (I found some code that seems like normalization and then adapted to the Audio2Wav). I hope somebody could give me some advices.
I modified the code of Audio2Wav class base on other people's code hoping that could achieve the normalization.
Im not very sure what the purpose of the two line I added, could somebody help me figure out?
for 20 * log_mel_spec, I guess is to convert amplitude to db scale, but Im not sure is it right to time 20 to the log_mel_spec.
and (db_mel - ref_db + dc_db) / dc_db normalize the mels, and I don't know the technical name of this operation.
I want to normalize mel spectrograms extracted by Audio2Wav class to the range [-1, 1], but I have no idea how to do it (I found some code that seems like normalization and then adapted to the Audio2Wav). I hope somebody could give me some advices.
I modified the code of Audio2Wav class base on other people's code hoping that could achieve the normalization.
Im not very sure what the purpose of the two line I added, could somebody help me figure out? for
20 * log_mel_spec
, I guess is to convert amplitude to db scale, but Im not sure is it right to time 20 to the log_mel_spec. and(db_mel - ref_db + dc_db) / dc_db
normalize the mels, and I don't know the technical name of this operation.Thank you very much