deshack / pinit

Handy plugin that adds Pinterest Follow Button, Pin Widget, Profile Widget and Board Widget to your WordPress site.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Settings help improvements #21

Closed deshack closed 8 years ago

deshack commented 8 years ago


This feature will be activate on EVERY image of your website.

s/post/posts and s/could/can:

Activate Pinit buttons in sigle post only (This could be combined with pages)


Activate Pinit buttons in sigle pages only (This could be combined with posts)

Also, I would remove the only from the last two. only implies that you cannot have both settings active at the same time, but what's written between brackets says the opposite. It's kind of confusing to me.

deshack commented 8 years ago

The help for button color and language settings can be improved a little bit:

Useless if round buttons are active

Might be:

Useless if round button setting is active

EugenioPetulla commented 8 years ago

Ok for post/can and button setting flag.

What do you think about this for single post/pages options ?


Activate Pinit buttons in single post


This can be combined with pages and prevent activation in other post types, archives and frontpage.

deshack commented 8 years ago

@EugenioPetulla tell me more about the way single posts/pages options work. If you leave them unchecked, the button will be activated for every post type, while checking them will enable it only in the post types specified?

EugenioPetulla commented 8 years ago

Correct! If you just activate the functionality is sitewide but if you check the option it will be active only in single post or/and pages.

I'm working on a special CMB2 field that automatically checks for all CPTs activated in the website so in a future release page/post options will be more granular and tunable.


deshack commented 8 years ago

Ok, that is what I was thinking about.