Then pyflyby overwrites the breakpoint() function:
% ipython
Python 3.11.8 (main, Mar 15 2024, 12:37:54) [GCC 10.3.1 20210422 (Red Hat 10.3.1-1)]
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IPython 8.22.2+desco.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. Type '?' for help.
In [1]: breakpoint
Out[1]: <function pyflyby.debugger(*args, **kwargs)>
From the code, I see that this feature is deprecated:
# DEPRECATED: In the future, the following will not be added to builtins.
# Use debugger() instead.
functions_to_add += [
for name in functions_to_add:
setattr(builtins, name, globals()[name])
Can we get this deprecation fulfilled or have some way to disable this ? Noting that this is a high priority ask from us (cc @quarl )
when Ipython is configured to load pyflyby automatically, eg:
Then pyflyby overwrites the breakpoint() function:
From the code, I see that this feature is deprecated:
Can we get this deprecation fulfilled or have some way to disable this ? Noting that this is a high priority ask from us (cc @quarl )