desht / ModularRouters

A Forge Mod for item routers with pluggable modules
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Breaker and Placer Modules not working #105

Closed Shadowfire86 closed 3 years ago

Shadowfire86 commented 3 years ago




I have A router set to pull items from an ender chest (works), then a placer module set to place the block (Netherwart Block). There is a one block gap (Astral Sorcery Transmutation beam) and another router set to break (usually filtered to soul sand but tried with empty blacklist), a Vacuum module to pick up the drop, and a sender module to push the result to a different colored ender chest. For some reason even if I clear the filters, neither the Placer or Breaker are functioning.

Any other comments?

Shadowfire86 commented 3 years ago

Apparently it was in interaction issue with FTB Chunks. Nevermind.