desht / ModularRouters

A Forge Mod for item routers with pluggable modules
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[1.16.4] Compatibility problem with chisels and bits #116

Closed mmis1000 closed 3 years ago

mmis1000 commented 3 years ago

Minecraft Version


Forge Version


Mod Version


Describe your problem, including steps to reproduce it

Put stitched chisels and bits blocks in to extruderII with mimic argument cause client crash

Any other comments?

Issue opened on Chisels-and-Bits 's side:

mmis1000 commented 3 years ago

The save

The broken block: Block location: World: (39,70,-833), Chunk: (at 7,4,15 in 2,-53; contains blocks 32,0,-848 to 47,255,-833), Region: (0,-2; contains chunks 0,-64 to 31,-33, blocks 0,0,-1024 to 511,255,-513)

There is a buggy tile near by entity that will crash the client/server

desht commented 3 years ago

Both mods have "camo" functionality, where the block/TE holds a camo state. Unfortunately this means they end up in a infinite loop asking each other what light level the blockstate should have.

I've add a blacklist in my template frame blocks to not request a mimic'd light level for C&B chiseled blocks, which hopefully fixes the issue. You can test this with build 51 from

mmis1000 commented 3 years ago

Seems that workaround works, no longer crash (Edit, turns out not reproduce the bug correctly)

mmis1000 commented 3 years ago Doesn't seems to do the job. Still crashes with build 51

BTW. However I managed to patch up it with a reentry guard, and seems works (for me).

desht commented 3 years ago

OK, I'm making a couple more changes which should actually fix this, although only by not supporting C&B blocks in the Extruder Mk2 or as Router camo (camouflage upgrade). Neither really work properly (actually, C&B blocks seem to have all sorts of rendering problems for me right now, separate from Modular Routers).

So I'm blacklisting all C&B blocks from the Camouflage Upgrade and also from use in the Extruder Mk2. It's the only way right now to ensure stability. I'll review again in future when C&B on 1.16 is more mature.

desht commented 3 years ago

BTW, the RunShallow hack is clever, but I don't plan to include in the mod.

desht commented 3 years ago

Worked around in 7.4.0