desht / ModularRouters

A Forge Mod for item routers with pluggable modules
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FE Display gets weird at high values #153

Closed MuteTiefling closed 2 years ago

MuteTiefling commented 2 years ago

Minecraft Version


Forge Version


Mod Version


Describe your problem, including steps to reproduce it

Stepped up the FE storage and transfer rate and noticed that the display in the router gets a bit weird:

    fePerEnergyUpgrade = 2000000
    #FE transfer rate (FE/t) per Energy Upgrade
    #Range: > 1
    feXferPerEnergyUpgrade = 20000
    #Should block-breaking modules drop XP where appropriate? (ore mining etc.)

Seems like after 32 million FE, it just goes blank.

Any other comments?

desht commented 2 years ago

Yep, I can see that. Although it's just the graphical bar display, interestingly the tooltip is still correct. So not a sync issues as I first suspected...

Update: yeah silly integer arithmetic overflow when calculating bar height, easy fix.

desht commented 2 years ago

Unfortunate timing given I only just did a 7.5.2 release on Monday... guessing you want these configs in place for E6E?

MuteTiefling commented 2 years ago

They're for e6e, yeah, but there's no rush. It works fine. Just a visual glitch as you say. And release is still no where close ^_^

desht commented 2 years ago

Fixed in 7.5.3 release