desht / ModularRouters

A Forge Mod for item routers with pluggable modules
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Selecting Template Blocks with Camouflage Upgrade and installing it causes Crash. #232

Open Lemonjuce13 opened 2 days ago

Lemonjuce13 commented 2 days ago

Describe the bug

I was playing ATM9 on a server and designed a door with the Extruder Module Mk2. I happened to select a Template Frame from my currently closed Door, because it fit the Block I wanted for the Router so without checking or thinking put it into the router used for the Door. Saving World, game crash , StackOverFlowError.

Then I went and tested it in singleplayer and got the same result.

How to reproduce the bug

  1. Run a Modular Router with a Extruder Mk2 Module that has at least one block set.
  2. Select a Template Frame created by the Extruder Mk2 with a Camouflage Upgrade. (it should be set to 'Air')


  3. Install the Camouflage Upgrade into a Router.

Expected behavior

The Router cant handle having a Camouflage Upgrade set to 'Air' installed (becuse it doesnt have a texture?).

Right after installing the Upgrade, the Game crashes with a StackOverflowError and Exit Code -1.

Additional details

This Bug is rather critical because it temporarily corrupts the chunk the router is standing in. Anyone loading that chunk will crash and will be unable from logging back in while the Router is still there because they would crash again while loading in. Effectively causing them to be unable to play.

While this can be fixed by loading the chunk without entering it, then removing the router via command, not everyone might have the technical knowledge needed or could be restricted from running commands by Server rights etc...

Which Minecraft version are you using?


Crash log