desht / ModularRouters

A Forge Mod for item routers with pluggable modules
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extruder mk1 "shortcircuiting" router with redstone blocks #34

Closed Ezelsorix closed 6 years ago

Ezelsorix commented 6 years ago

Minecraft Version


Forge Version

Mod Version


Describe your problem, including steps to reproduce it

The extruder module mk1 gives the router a redstone signal if I "place" redstone blocks with it and thus the router can't be deactivated/retracted by conventional means any more.

Any other comments?

Actually this makes sense, but also it kind of sucks. I have no idea how tinkers mechworks avoided this and still made the redstone blocks work on other adjacent objects, I guess it just ignored any redstone signal from the side it extruded to. Also I'm not sure if in your mod you'd consider this intended behaviour.

desht commented 6 years ago

I admit I hadn't considered this originally but it does make sense in an annoying kind of way. Ignoring signals from the extruding side is probably the best option here...

desht commented 6 years ago

This is now in the 3.1.3 release, just approved.