desi-bgs / bgs-cmxsv

BGS Commissioning and Survey Validation
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BGS SV TS paper #5

Open changhoonhahn opened 3 years ago

changhoonhahn commented 3 years ago

Year1 KP1 supporting paper wiki, sv workshop doc that provides:


changhoonhahn commented 3 years ago

Outline of the paper from SV workshop (see also [SV workshop google doc])

  1. Intro
    • Background of tracer as used in large spectroscopic surveys (how it was used in the past) SDSS main galaxy sample
    • DESI overview
    • Boilerplate cross-reference between TS papers
    • Motivation to use tracer for DESI, including potential scope over full footprint, why is number density chosen
  2. Science Req.
    • Scientific goals of sample (e.g. BAO precision for BGS BRIGHT) what about for BGS faint?
    • Req. on the sample to reach those goals
    • What challenge in using target class to meet those requirements (decision tree)?
    • additional challenges (completeness and uniformity)
  3. Properties of tracer in imaging data, properties of imaging data
    • spectroscopic features, broadband SED, and/or morphology that make tracer distinct in imaging data (example spectrum, scatter plot of known targets on color-color distribution)
    • how much overlap/contamination with other astrophysical sources
    • what imaging data do we have to make the TS (WISE/grz/Gaia) and what does that enable for TS? color cuts, star-galaxy separation
  4. TS for SV combine with 3
    • Assumptions of n(z)/color cuts informed by prior experience GAMA overlap
    • extended selection of targets from imaging data, why are we extending the boundaries?
    • assessment of uniformity for various selections, regression on imaging properties, zeropoints (identify largest sources of spurious signal)
    • application to TS and fiber assignment, brief discussion with references to relevant supporting paper
    • code in desi_target to make skymaps, QA plots, that would offer consistent figures and code
  5. Results from SV
    • Take catalog redshift at face value and focus on n(z) and redshift completeness. The redshift failures will be discussed in the pipeline papers. Cite thresholds that determine truth in the assessment of catalog, but point to other paper
    • determination of n(z), spectroscopic completeness as a function of color, magnitude, and other selection criteria
    • answer other decision tree question using SV data
    • state final selection algorithm
  6. Implications for five-year DESI program
  7. Conclusion
changhoonhahn commented 3 years ago

overleaf of DESI BGS SV target selection paper: