It would be useful for teh user, if when printing a nested list of lists, if some sort of indentation could be used to make it easier to see the structure.
If the list is large, we could also consider not printing the whole thing... Maybe the first 20 in the list or so.
Since we are generating html, we could still provide a "raw" link, to see all the raw data
It would be useful for teh user, if when printing a nested list of lists, if some sort of indentation could be used to make it easier to see the structure.
If the list is large, we could also consider not printing the whole thing... Maybe the first 20 in the list or so. [ [1,2,3], [4,5,6], [ [7,8], [1,2] ], .... ]
Since we are generating html, we could still provide a "raw" link, to see all the raw data
Same for dicts