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About Artifact Suppression Refinement #5

Open Mia01023 opened 1 month ago

Mia01023 commented 1 month ago

Thank you for your open source work!My question is that Figure 6(c) in the paper shows the result after refine, but there are still artifacts in the removal results of the moto when I try the demo or test it directly in the code. So I would like to know what the implemented detail about the artifact suppression mechanism in the code? Thakns again!

jiayueru commented 1 month ago

Thanks for your attention. Could I take a closer look at your results?

Mia01023 commented 1 month ago

Thank you for your response. Due to my oversight, I previously did not understand how to use M refine in the code. Now I have understood it and have obtained the images with artifact suppression, which are consistent with those in the paper and the demo.Thanks