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Videos games, brands, and design #645

Open KevinGutowski opened 2 years ago

KevinGutowski commented 2 years ago

Was watching Atrioc's Marketing Mondays and there were a number of interesting points being made about Elden Ring.

CleanShot 2022-03-09 at 17 03 26@2x

This last one I thought was pretty interesting as I don't think I've thought about product development or design in direct terms of a company's brand (at least not with the terminology used in the video). Many of the things I think about are in terms of solving a user problem or improving a particular metric. I am quick to brush off things like "brand essence" or "core identity" as things that a marketing designer should be thinking about.

KevinGutowski commented 2 years ago

Ah here's the edited version