designer1337 / csgo-cheat-base

simple csgo internal base.
MIT License
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Disable model occlusion #16

Closed Aham-Admin closed 4 years ago

Aham-Admin commented 4 years ago

So I looked at this tutorial and for the life of me I cant find what interface would work. I tried engine and it gives a esp error my code for intitializing the hook reinterpret_cast<void*>(get_virtual(interfaces::engine, 6));

designer1337 commented 4 years ago

U should hook bsp query not engine client...

Aham-Admin commented 4 years ago

get_bsp_querry() doesnt exist as a method. and from searching up I cant find a method that would work edit. Nvm the method was bsp_query() void* get_bsp_query() { using original_fn = void*(__thiscall*)(iv_engine_client*); return (*(original_fn * *)this)[41](this); } edit 2: crashes

monthyx1337 commented 4 years ago

using list_leaves_in_box_fn = int(__fastcall*)(std::uintptr_t ecx, std::uintptr_t edx, Vector & mins, Vector & maxs, unsigned short* list, int list_max);

list_leaves_in_box_fn o_list_leaves_in_box = nullptr;

auto list_leaves_in_box_target = reinterpret_cast<void*>(get_virtual(g_pEngine->GetBSPTreeQuery(), 6));

if (MH_CreateHook(list_leaves_in_box_target, &hooks::list_leaves_in_box, reinterpret_cast<void**>(&o_list_leaves_in_box)) != MH_OK) {
        throw std::runtime_error("5");
        return false;
Aham-Admin commented 4 years ago

using list_leaves_in_box_fn = int(__fastcall*)(std::uintptr_t ecx, std::uintptr_t edx, Vector & mins, Vector & maxs, unsigned short* list, int list_max);

list_leaves_in_box_fn o_list_leaves_in_box = nullptr;

auto list_leaves_in_box_target = reinterpret_cast<void*>(get_virtual(g_pEngine->GetBSPTreeQuery(), 6));

if (MH_CreateHook(list_leaves_in_box_target, &hooks::list_leaves_in_box, reinterpret_cast<void**>(&o_list_leaves_in_box)) != MH_OK) {
      throw std::runtime_error("5");
      return false;

That is exactly what I have. The method Im missing is g_pEngine->GetBSPTreeQuery() for the base your using. For the base for this cheat the engine interface doesn't have a GetBSPTreeQuery or any method to get it.

monthyx1337 commented 4 years ago

add it then???

Aham-Admin commented 4 years ago

void* get_bsp_query() { using original_fn = void*(__thiscall*)(iv_engine_client*); return (*(original_fn * *)this)[41](this); } This is the method... It causes crashing

designer1337 commented 4 years ago

I mean this is not even related to the base, just add bsp query method and hook it, nothing else to say