designer1337 / csgo-cheat-base

simple csgo internal base.
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please help me in adding combo box to menu!! #92

Open Dreams0001 opened 3 years ago

Dreams0001 commented 3 years ago

so i used the code from #85 (for the framework stuff) i was wondering i would go about actually adding it to the menu i would use ImGui but i don't like it lol P.S please don't be mean thanks in advance

ghost commented 3 years ago

Learn c++, quit pasting code, and don't bullshit that you don't like imgui because I know damn well you do but you can't paste it into ur project lol

Sent from GitHub for iPhone

u20291022 commented 3 years ago

`void menu_framework::combobox(int size, const std::string string, std::string* items, int& value) { GetCursorPos(&cursor);

if (next_y_position + 15 - (groupbox_value * 15) > 290 || (next_y_position - 45 - (groupbox_value*15)) < -1) {
    groupbox_y_pos += rendered ? 0 : 15;
else {

    int w = 180, h = 10;
    int ix = variables::menu::x + 365;
    int yi = variables::menu::y + next_y_group + 5;

    if ((cursor.x > variables::menu::x + 195) && (cursor.x < variables::menu::x + 187 + w) && (cursor.y > variables::menu::y + next_y_group) && (cursor.y < variables::menu::y + next_y_group + h))
        if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_LBUTTON) & 1)
            combobox_opened[combobox_count] = !combobox_opened[combobox_count];

    //combo background
    render::draw_filled_rect(variables::menu::x + 195, variables::menu::y + next_y_group, w, h, color(36, 36, 36, 255));
    render::text(variables::menu::x + 195 + 90 - (render::get_text_size(render::fonts::watermark_font, items[value]).x / 2), variables::menu::y + next_y_group - 2, render::fonts::watermark_font, items[value], false, color::white());

    //combo label
    render::text(variables::menu::x + next_x_position + 2, variables::menu::y + next_y_group - 1, render::fonts::watermark_font, string, false, color::white());

    if (combobox_opened[combobox_count]) {

        if ((cursor.x > ix) && (cursor.x < ix + 6) && (cursor.y > yi) && (cursor.y < yi + min(size * 15, 5 * 15)) && (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_LBUTTON))) {
            combo_value[combobox_count] = min((cursor.y - yi) / (float(min(size * 15, 5 * 15)) / float(combobox_y[combobox_count] / 15 + 1)), combobox_y[combobox_count] / 15);

        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
            if (i * 15 + 15 - (combo_value[combobox_count] * 15) > 75 || i*15 - (combo_value[combobox_count] * 15) < -1) {
                combobox_y[combobox_count] += combobox_rendered[combobox_count] ? 0 : 15;
            else {
                bool var = false;
                if ((cursor.x > variables::menu::x + 195) && (cursor.x < variables::menu::x + 187 + w) && (cursor.y > variables::menu::y + next_y_group + ((i + 1) * 15) - (combo_value[combobox_count] * 15)) && (cursor.y < variables::menu::y + next_y_group + ((i + 1) * 15) + 12 - (combo_value[combobox_count] * 15))) {
                    var = true;
                    if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_LBUTTON) & 1) {
                        value = i;
                        combobox_opened[combobox_count] = false;
                render::draw_filled_rect(variables::menu::x + 195, variables::menu::y + next_y_group + h + (15 * i) - (combo_value[combobox_count] * 15), w, (15), color(36, 36, 36, 255));
                render::text(variables::menu::x + 195 + 90 - (render::get_text_size(render::fonts::watermark_font, items[i].c_str()).x / 2), variables::menu::y + next_y_group + 12 + (15 * i) - (combo_value[combobox_count] * 15), render::fonts::watermark_font, items[i].c_str(), false, var ? color::white() : i == value ? variables::ui_color : color(128, 128, 128, 255));

        combobox_rendered[combobox_count] = true;

        render::draw_filled_rect(ix, yi, 6, min(size * 15, 5 * 15), color(66, 66, 66, 255));
        render::draw_filled_rect(ix, yi, 6, combo_value[combobox_count] * (float(min(size * 15, 5 * 15)) / float(combobox_y[combobox_count] / 15)), color(variables::ui_color.r, variables::ui_color.g, variables::ui_color.b, 255));
    else {
        combobox_y[combobox_count]        = 0;
        combobox_rendered[combobox_count] = false;

    if (combobox_opened[combobox_count])
        next_y_group    += min(size*17, 5*17);
        next_y_position += min(size*17, 5*17);

    next_y_group += 15;
next_y_position += 15;


Dreams0001 commented 3 years ago

lmfao mad ?? nah ImGui is just trash

ghost commented 3 years ago

i literally have a zip file of u being a clown

Dreams0001 commented 3 years ago

100% lol

shainodev commented 3 years ago

i literally have a zip file of u being a clown

quit cheating on amatuerz bro