designsystemsinternational / mechanic

Mechanic is a framework to build assets built on web code.
MIT License
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Export to print-ready PDFs #186

Open alexfjelldal opened 7 months ago

alexfjelldal commented 7 months ago

Long story short: I would like Mechanic to export print-ready PDFs.

More specific:

(⚠️Warning: I'm a designer teaching myself more about code, not a developer. The last months I have fiddled around with

The promise of turning rules into tools is just what I am looking for in several of my projects. But when you're implementing across digital and print media, you need the output inteded for print to be production-ready. I would really like to see solve that 😃

I looked into converting SVG and Canvas to PDF, but quickly gave up (not being a developer).

fdoflorenzano commented 7 months ago

Hey @alexfjelldal! Thanks for reaching out. This is very much on our radar, along with a more generalized way to specify export formats, so your idea very much aligns with that.

We've been focusing on other projects the last few months, so Mechanic development has been slow lately. Once we finish some already started loose ends, this will probably be worked on.