Closed kaylanb closed 7 years ago
Just found an issue. pip pytest py-cov converalls crashes the docker build with:
package plan for installation in environment /usr:
The following NEW packages will be INSTALLED:
configparser: 3.5.0-py27_intel_3 intel [intel]
entrypoints: 0.2.2-py27_intel_2 intel [intel]
get_terminal_size: 1.0.0-py27_intel_5 intel [intel]
ipykernel: 4.5.0-py27_intel_9 intel [intel]
Removing intermediate container 0782d7965def
Step 19/63 : RUN pip install --no-binary :all: speclite hpsspy photutils pytest pytest-cov coveralls
---> Running in ae93bd03922f
Complete output from command python egg_info:
Command "python egg_info" failed with error code -4 in /tmp/pip-xI0QP0-build/
The command '/bin/bash -c pip install --no-binary :all: speclite hpsspy photutils pytest pytest-cov coveralls' returned a non-zero code: 1
This seems like a harmless change (adding a few packages to the list to be pip-installed). Did you figure out why this addition failed?
pytest & pytest-cov are conda packages, so they should be installed that way. coveralls is still only pip, I think.
Ok, thanks @weaverba137 . I'll add them to the conda list and verify that it works.
I added this separately in 6526ce7c5c47c241cc7668833f3e1117e8712721. Closing pull request now since it is no longer needed.
@tskisner ,
I added some unit tests using pytest and its plugin for coveralls to the imaging code base. The docs for these recommend pip installing so I added them to rules/
I tested the three-line change by successfully building and installing conda with "cori-gcc-py27".
Let me know! -Kaylan