Currently the hour angle / LST optimizations are not written such that they easily change or easily accommodate changes to the tile file (i.e., the number of tiles, etc.). We should address this by moving the HA assignments into the afternoon planning directories and adding TILEDs to the HA data structure. This is currently stored in surveyinit.fits (extension: DESIGN) as a row-matched FITS table, together with some debug information but without TILEID.
Currently the hour angle / LST optimizations are not written such that they easily change or easily accommodate changes to the tile file (i.e., the number of tiles, etc.). We should address this by moving the HA assignments into the afternoon planning directories and adding TILEDs to the HA data structure. This is currently stored in surveyinit.fits (extension: DESIGN) as a row-matched FITS table, together with some debug information but without TILEID.