desihub / redrock

Redshift fitting for spectroperfectionism
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Versioned templates, NMF support, updated IGM models #271

Closed sbailey closed 5 months ago

sbailey commented 5 months ago

This PR adds flexibility to keep multiple versions of the same SPECTYPE/SUBTYPE templates in the redrock-templates directory, while having each template file specify which intergalactic medium (IGM) model to use and whether it should be solved using PCA (cp/np.linalg.solve) or NMF (scipy.optimize.nnls) with only positive coefficients. It is backwards compatible with current redrock-templates directories, while allowing more flexibility for the future

New templates directory

An example of the new templates directory is $CFS/desi/users/sjbailey/code/redrock-templates, including


The file default_templates.txt specifies which templates to use by default, but other files like test_templates.txt can specify other sets to use, e.g. for testing newer templates (like rrtemplate-qso-*-v2.0b1.fits which are NMF-based templates)

New template file keywords:

This is a draft directory for testing; I would not commit all of the test templates yet. The code in this PR can use either this new directory structure, or an existing redrock-templates like /global/common/software/desi/perlmutter/desiconda/20230111-2.1.0/code/redrock-templates/main/ .

New IGM structure

Lyman / IGM absorption code has been moved out of redrock.utils into a separate redrock.igm module. This currently supports 3 models:

redrock.igm.transmission_Lyman(redshifts, obswavelengths, model=model, ...) is a standardized wrapper around all 3 of those models, as well as standardizing scalar vs. vector input, use_gpu or not, always_return_array or not. Tests have been significantly expanded to check all those cases, e.g. fixing #257.


Reference run with main and current templates

cd $CFS/desi/spectro/redux/iron/tiles/cumulative/1000/20210517

srun -n 4 -c 32 rrdesi_mpi --gpu -i coadd-0-1000-thru20210517.fits \
    -o /pscratch/sd/s/sjbailey/rr/redrock-main.fits

New code, current templates

srun -n 4 -c 32 rrdesi_mpi --gpu -i coadd-0-1000-thru20210517.fits \
    -t /global/common/software/desi/perlmutter/desiconda/20230111-2.1.0/code/redrock-templates/main/ \
    -o /pscratch/sd/s/sjbailey/rr/redrock-pr-oldtemplates.fits

New code, new template directory, but same underlying templates

srun -n 4 -c 32 rrdesi_mpi --gpu -i coadd-0-1000-thru20210517.fits \
    -t $CFS/desi/users/sjbailey/code/redrock-templates \
    -o /pscratch/sd/s/sjbailey/rr/redrock-pr.fits

New code, new NMF-based QSO templates

srun -n 4 -c 32 rrdesi_mpi --gpu -i coadd-0-1000-thru20210517.fits \
    -t $CFS/desi/users/sjbailey/code/redrock-templates/test_templates.txt \
    -o /pscratch/sd/s/sjbailey/rr/redrock-prtest.fits

(For demo purposes, not yet better actual redshifts...)

fitsdiff confirms that redrock-pr-oldtemplates.fits and redrock-pr.fits match redrock-main.fits except for header keywords tracking input templates versions/locations. redrock-prtest.fits differs as expected, but has strictly positive coefficients for anything with SPECTYPE=QSO due to the NMF templates.

Using previous templates and/or new templates with Calura12 or Kamble20 IGM models runs in the same amount of time as before (~36 seconds for 500 spectra). Using NMF is a bit slower (~40 sec), but switching to the Inoue14 model is substantially slower (~55 sec). This was known from off-list discussions when the Inoue model was first added (PR #260) and could be the focus of a future optimization+PR.


@dylanagreen please review, especially checking whether my reorganization of the Inoue model still agrees with your implementation. Comments welcome from @abrodze, @moustakas, @abhi0395, @craigwarner-ufastro, or others as well.

Since this is backwards compatible with current templates and results, I think this is safe to merge after someone else verifies that. But it lays the groundwork for testing future templates.

Future work beyond this PR

coveralls commented 5 months ago

Coverage Status

coverage: 38.66% (+5.5%) from 33.193% when pulling 8a42a2899de9cc7676044bb09ae1e2d7330ad46c on versioned-templates into f1a1d06d5199b482382b9cecf67be7c9c3dde761 on main.

moustakas commented 5 months ago

FWIW I'm a few days away from being able to test the various hooks of this branch myself, but I'm also happy to report any problems as new tickets.