desihub / specter

A toolkit for simulating multi-object spectrographs
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remove desiutil dependency #20

Closed sbailey closed 8 years ago

sbailey commented 8 years ago

specter should be experiment agnostic, and thus it shouldn't depend upon desiutil (even if desiutil is open source). Currently it depends upon desiutil in

from desiutil.setup import DesiTest, DesiVersion, get_version

Understand the implications for desiInstall prior to removing this.

weaverba137 commented 8 years ago

Changing this will not affect desiInstall, although the file will need some alternate method to set the version string.

I notice that specsim uses the astropy infrastructure as an alternative. @dkirkby, can you tell us if specsim is following the astropy-affiliated package specifications in detail, or did you just pick an choose a few items from the astropy infrastructure?

dkirkby commented 8 years ago

I am trying to follow them in detail, although I haven't taken the final step of actually registering the package within the astropy ecosystem.

Regarding the version string, the specsim includes:

# VERSION should be PEP386 compatible (
VERSION = '0.2dev'

# Indicates if this version is a release version
RELEASE = 'dev' not in VERSION

if not RELEASE:
    VERSION += get_git_devstr(False)

which leads to strings like 0.2dev263.

weaverba137 commented 8 years ago

OK, @dkirkby that's what I needed to know. For the record, that is the standard method of setting the version on astropy-affiliated packages, and I know it works. But you have to set it by hand. This requires extra-special care when creating a tag.

Since we already have one astropy-affiliated package in our ecosystem, adding another shouldn't be a problem.

dkirkby commented 8 years ago

They provide a straightfoward checklist that helps minimize tagging errors (which aren't too serious anyway since tags are not part of the read-only history).

weaverba137 commented 8 years ago

Still waiting on an answer on the astropy-affiliated question.

dkirkby commented 8 years ago

Can you remind us what the outstanding question is?

weaverba137 commented 8 years ago

Should specter switch to being an astropy-affiliated package just like specsim? Because we can't use the desiutil infrastructure for specter.

weaverba137 commented 8 years ago

specter hasn't been tagged in a while, and it would be nice to resolve this question so that the next tag is easily installable.

sbailey commented 8 years ago

desiutil dependency removed as part of PR #30.