desko27 / react-call

⚛️ 📡 Call your React components
MIT License
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Website doesn't convey crucial info #17

Open elektronik2k5 opened 1 week ago

elektronik2k5 commented 1 week ago

Hi! Interesting project. I'm intrigued by the API here cause I haven't seen anything alike in react packages. It is rather unusual and I see the potential in such an approach.

Anyways, the issue is about the website: It is a demo, which is great (since most packages fail to even ship a demo). But it fails to mention the problem which this project solves. In other words: what is it even good for?

Here's the flow for someone who lands on the website (like me, after someone sent me the link):

  1. See cool demo, play with it. Nice, got some potential, just cause there is a demo and is isn't shit. But what does it actually do? Does it differ from any other modal package? No idea. Typically, at this stage I'd give up. However, the demo quality convinced me to investigate further. Click the barely visible, small See docs link in bottom right corner of giant title. ->
  2. New tab on github project (instead of direct link to readme) - all I see is the files and directories. Scroll down ->
  3. Go past project files, title + subtitle + npm i ... + link to demo, features ->
  4. Finally! The pattern provides an example to what's it good for and Use cases expand on that. Next, I see the well annotated Usage block. Problem description and how this package tries to solve it.

I suggest changing the demo page and readme to first cover the pattern, use cases and usage, proceed to demo and follow up with the rest of the documentation.

desko27 commented 7 hours ago

Hey @elektronik2k5!!

Thanks for your ideas and your interest in the library. Honestly the website has been a "first do it" approach and I totally agree on your points, some of which I had already wondered myself.

I just got a newborn and we're still adapting to new life, which is why this is gonna take longer than normal for me, but I wanted to let you know I intend to cover all that's been discussed.

I just deployed #18 to reduce some friction on the website, next I'll take care of the readme as suggested, and finally I intend to revamp the website with some ideas I've got to make clearer how the lib works.

Thanks again!