An error occured: { Error: stderr maxBuffer exceeded
at Socket. (child_process.js:278:14)
at emitOne (events.js:96:13)
at Socket.emit (events.js:188:7)
at readableAddChunk (_stream_readable.js:176:18)
at Socket.Readable.push (_stream_readable.js:134:10)
at Pipe.onread (net.js:548:20)
cmd: 'tesseract german.jpeg C:\Users\sdkca\AppData\Local\Temp\node-tesseract-9dc7b457-d0c6-4fd8-858a-6f9af0cf38c6 -l deu -psm 6' }
I'm getting the previous exception with the following image:
With the following code:
var tesseract = require('node-tesseract');
var options = {
// Use the english and german languages (it crashes to with deu only)
l: 'eng+deu',
// Use the segmentation mode #6 that assumes a single uniform block of text.
psm: 6
tesseract.process('german.jpeg', options , (err, text) => {
return console.log("An error occured: ", err);
console.log("Recognized text:");
Update: after analyzing your code, i fix it by increasing the max ammount of data allowed in stdout. It may be useful to provide this information in the readme in case someone has the same issue :) :
var tesseract = require('node-tesseract');
var options = {
// Use the english and german languages
l: 'deu',
// Use the segmentation mode #6 that assumes a single uniform block of text.
psm: 6,
// Increase the allowed amount of data in stdout
env: {
maxBuffer: 4096 * 4096
tesseract.process('german.jpeg', options , (err, text) => {
return console.log("An error occured: ", err);
console.log("Recognized text:");
I'm getting the previous exception with the following image:
With the following code:
Update: after analyzing your code, i fix it by increasing the max ammount of data allowed in stdout. It may be useful to provide this information in the readme in case someone has the same issue :) :