Open parmeet9891 opened 6 years ago
Whenever i tried to login, it gives internal server error occurred. Consumer key and Consumer Secret Key are static (which i generated) and getting auth token and auth access token dynamically, when any user enter its credentials in the app.
gettwitterData:['checkInstagramUserExist',function(err,cb){ if(payloadData.TwitterAccessTokenKey && payloadData.TwitterAccessTokenSecret &&{ var client = new Twitter({ consumer_key: 'CONSUMER_KEY', consumer_secret: 'CONSUMER_SECRET_KEY', access_token_key: payloadData.TwitterAccessTokenKey, access_token_secret: payloadData.TwitterAccessTokenSecret }); client.get('statuses/user_timeline', {q: 'node.js'}, function(error, tweets,response) { if(tweets && tweets.length){ id=tweets[0] follower=tweets[0].user.followers_count followed=tweets[0].user.friends_count fullName=tweets[0] profilePicture=tweets[0].user.profile_image_url if(parseInt(follower)<1){ callback('Cant sign up.You don’t have enough followers') }else{ socialNetworkData.push({ socialLoginId:id, followers:follower, following:followed, type:'TWITTER', isAccountActive:true, }) cb(null) } }else{ cb(null) } }); }else{ cb(null) } }]
Whenever i tried to login, it gives internal server error occurred. Consumer key and Consumer Secret Key are static (which i generated) and getting auth token and auth access token dynamically, when any user enter its credentials in the app.