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The permissions requested by this app are way over the top #218

Closed guntbert closed 4 years ago

guntbert commented 4 years ago

When attempting to log in via github I am presented with a shocking list of permissions

This application will be able to read and write all public and private repository data. This includes the following: Code Issues Pull requests Wikis Settings Webhooks and services Deploy keys Collaboration invites

Why do you need them?

despo commented 4 years ago

If you choose to login issuehub enables you to filter your private repositories as well as public ones. However, I don't believe that their API offers more specific scopes but I could be missing something. If you know how to resolve this I would be happy to merge a relevant PR.

pmav99 commented 3 years ago

There is the repo scope which Grants full access to private and public repositories. and there is the public_repo scope which Limits access to public repositories