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A few essays on communism
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Regarding the 1953 Iran Coup, Why so much Fake News? #91

Closed Bruhtm closed 4 years ago

Bruhtm commented 4 years ago

In 1953, the CIA in Iran overthrows the democratically elected Mohammed Mossadegh in a military coup, after he threatened to nationalize British oil. The CIA replaces him with a dictator, the Shah of Iran, whose secret police, SAVAK, is as brutal as the Gestapo. After the initial coup failed and the Shah and his family fled to Italy, the CIA payed millions of dollars to bribe military officers and pay gangsters to unleash violence in the streets of Tehran.

Let's get into it. Source:

  1. CIA in Iran overthrows the democratically elected Mohammed Mossadegh This was not the case, Shah had issued orders dismissing Mossadeq and appointing Zahedi. Mossadeq refused, he was rebelling against the shah's constitutional authority. Therefore making him a usurper. Under the Iranian Constitution, Zahedi was the legal Prime Minister of Iran and Mossadeq was not.

  2. military coup TPAJAX was not a military coup, it was a political action designed to swing the Iranian military away from the illegal Mossadeq government and place the armed forces squarely and actively behind the Shah and the legal Zahedi government.

  3. He CIA replaces him with a dictator, the Shah of Iran. TPAJAX did not ''restore" the Shah to his throne either technically or constitutionally. Although the Iranian monarch left Tehran during the operation, he never abdicated.

  4. unleash violence in the streets of Tehran. I have no clue where you copy and pasted this from, but yes, the CIA was responsible for getting the ball rolling by swelling a few protesters, and then it started to swell naturally. And they weren't paid to be violent.