dessn / Pippin

Pipeline for photometric SN analysis
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Analysis run crashes on calling salt2mu.exe in 6_Biascor stage 'Could not open ascii table file' #166

Closed paulshah closed 4 months ago

paulshah commented 4 months ago

Input files are in $DES_USERS/shahpa/ and are PS_biascor.yml, PS_sim_nominal.yml, PS_analysis.yml


PS_biascor and PS_sim_nominal complete, PS_analysis runs up to stage 6_BIASCOR when it crashes with log excerpt :

[ DEBUG |] Running command: NOMINALSIM.input ... [ ERROR |] Found error in file /scratch/midway2/rkessler/PIPPIN_OUTPUT/PS_ANALYSIS/6_BIASCOR/NOMINALSIM/OUTPUT_BBCFIT-0001_FITOPT000_MUOPT008.LOG, excerpt below [ ERROR |] Excerpt: FATAL ERROR ABORT called by SNTABLE_NEVT_TEXT [ ERROR |] Excerpt: Could not open ascii table file: [ ERROR |] Excerpt: ‘../OUTPUT_BBCFIT-0001/INPUT_FITOPT000.FITRES’ [ ERROR |] Excerpt:

According to the logs this crash is on calling :

SALT2mu.exe NOMINALSIM.input prefix=OUTPUT_BBCFIT-0001_FITOPT000_MUOPT008 datafile=../OUTPUT_BBCFIT-0001/INPUT_FITOPT000.FITRES write_yaml=1 varname_pIa=PROB_SCONE chi2max=10000000

If I go to the directory $PIPPIN_OUTPUT/PS_ANALYSIS/6_BIASCOR/NOMINALSIM/output/SCRIPTS_BBCFIT, I can run that same command with no error (but only from that directory given the relative datafile).

OmegaLambda1998 commented 4 months ago

The base bbc file you used ($SNDATA_ROOT/sample_input_files/DES-SN5YR/base_files/bbc/BBC_des5yr.input) includes the following line:

WFITMUDIF_OPT: -speed_flag_chi2 0 -wsteps 801 -ommin 0.0 -ommax 1 -omsteps 501 -hmin 40 -hmax 100 -hsteps 501 -ompri 0.315 -dompri 10

It looks like the -hmin and -hmax aren't valid options (see for example NOMINAL/wfit_PIP_PS_SIM_NOMINAL_DATADESSIM_LENS-0001_FITOPT000_MUOPT002.LOG). Not sure why that is, have submitted an issue to SNANA (, but for the moment just overwrite those options by adding:

WFITMUDIF_OPT: -speed_flag_chi2 0 -wsteps 801 -ommin 0.0 -ommax 1 -omsteps 501 -hsteps 501 -ompri 0.315 -dompri 10 to your BIASCOR config (at the same level as DATA)