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chat interface for user interaction #2

Open sztanpet opened 11 years ago

sztanpet commented 11 years ago

searchable user list, separate ban ui with the reason pre-populated by the users last ~10 lines of chat written , the cursor is put at the beginning

after this, remove the /ban command

cene-co-za commented 11 years ago

If you are a web administrator, you can add / remove bans, shows the last 15 lines from the message just before the user was banned.

sztanpet commented 11 years ago

you misunderstood this ticket the last 15lines should be added into the description of the ban, the ban interface has to be in the chat itself so I can remove the /ban command and the searchable user list is not yet done (the existing interface is also nice and very much required, it only lacks a simple list, listing the current and past bans)

cene-co-za commented 11 years ago

So when banning someone, instead of an empty "Reason" input, its populated with the last 15 lines of the user text?

Seems a bit odd, you have a timestamp of when the ban occured, so the lines can always be retrieved later. Or am I misunderstanding the point again?

sztanpet commented 11 years ago

no, the reason input is pre-populated with the 15lines of text and you provide your reason on top of that not touching the chatlog table for the history is the point (the ability to get that history is nice tho of course, but it might be hard to get that with a massive amount of rows)